Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
NOTICE T0 Visitcrs. Pieaie Parties, Luans —AND—GEKERAL PUBLIC1 Q At Sstith’s Bcs and Livery Stablb, Kiw Street. [A'ijuining Metropolitan Meat Murket.] ls the Cheapest Plaee in Town you ean get Basses, Wagoneties, Baggies and Sadd)e Horses. It wili par you to eall and see before you try elsewhere. Mutual TeIephone 408 .555; augl-tf Wins Sing Oliaii, N'O. 320 NUUAKL’ STREET, HOKOLULU Ta.ilox A fine assortinent of American. English and Scotch CIotha on hand gocd work and a F1RST CLASS fit guaranteed Clotheseaec!dn «fc repaired jy71m Dong Branch Establishment. This First-Class Batbing Resort bas been en!arged and is now open to the pub!ic. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a Bath. and there is no better nlaee to lay off. Special accommodation9 for I>adies. Tra:ucar9 psss the dx>r every half hour. and on Satordays and 8unday? every fifteen miuutes. C. J. SHERWOOD, jy24 Proprielor. L08T. A sm*li Fox Tereier, a reward will be <treu for bis retam u> JOB TDTKE&, City Vrket. SAM iee hop, No. 552 King Street, Dealei :n California aud Hawaiian Froita and Yegetables. Guava Jellr, Tea and Gmoad Coffee, Cig#reefe.. ■jy» |