Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 August 1894 — LADIES’ COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

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Yoo bave all been reading tbis | Oolomn for 90me time and eipeoi- ; ! ing sometbing to drop— »ell here goes for a little dyer as we s»y in XIercant;le Parlance. We b»re a coonter devoted to Wasb Dress Goods this week, they are worth looking at. and at tbe same tlme making a gaess oa their Value. Remembcr yoa need not bny them unless you want to—but you ean eall and guess on their Valae—and the Lady gnessing the nearest to the retail value of these Goods ean hava hex piek of a Dress Pattern for nothing, those that are not good guessers won’t make a verv bad mistake, if they buy the goods outright at our figures. So eome in and make yonr gaess, the poo!s close Saturday—the winner gets her Dress. Monday, August 13th. There is ncthing the inatter with Scotch Dimity when you ean get 6 yards for $1 or Toile du N*<rd f«»r children’s School Dresses or L;idies Dresses at 8 yards for §1. Remember these goods improve everytime they are washed. Something new in Amenean, Eng!isb and French Percale for Shirt Waists and Dresses —these Goods are the fiaest ever shown here and make up lovely. 32 ineh wide Cotton Duck at 15 cents a yard is atfother thing | you ean make no mistake in—all i Fast Colors —we have au elegaut liue of Linen Duck. Now don’t forget to eome in ; and guess on those Wash Dress j Goods. We have something for I the Second Best Guesser but we : won’t meution it, • l B. F. EHLERS.