Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 August 1894 — About Feet. [ARTICLE]

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About Feet.

Of course, it is tbe proper tbiug to scotf at tbe Chiuese Iady who crusbes her feet ont of all hnman I semblance by swatbing tbem in tight-fitting baudages, but Ameiiean womeu sboald remember ' tbat old ad:tge aboutglass bouses aud tbrowing stoues, says an excbauge. Are we blameless in tbat direction? I tbink not, recaf1iug to mind sōveral inatances that bave eome onder my uotice of children wbose feet bave been tortured and deformed by b.id!y-fitting sboes. The natural results of sach treatment are crook«d toes, corns, bunions and abscesses. Foohsh motbers and careless motbers allow tbeir cfaildren to wear cramping foot gear, tbe first on aeeounl of a desire to bave tbe little people’e feet appear small and tbe ?btter from thongbtless inattention. A pair of sboes is bought whieh fit { the feet snugly. Tbe feet grow rapidly and tbe shoes soon be eome too small. Tbe proper plan is to get tbe sboes largo enougb for tbe growing feei, and then tbey will not bave to-be cast aside uniil they «ro worn out,! aud tbe feet wili retain tbeir normal sbape. Grown girls and women often 8afifer from the same eaose, but it is through iheir own £ault and they get httle sympethy.