Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 ʻAukake 1894 — Another Event. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Another Event.

At the regular monthly meetiug )of tlio H. A. A. 01 ub hekl at the Y. M. 0. A. Hall, Taesday evening it was resolved to hold another field day on Saturday, Sept. 8 189-1, at Maikiki on whieh the following prograrome will be ! run: i 1- 100 yards foot race bandicap, : j2. 12 > M hurdle “ “ 3. 220 “ foot “ 4. 4 niile “ “ •* '5. i 4 * “ M '4 16. 1 “ 7. 1 “ walk. 8. ObstacIe raoe, 9. Threelegged race. 10. race. 11. the hammer. 12. the shot. 13. broad jump. 14. “ high “ lō.Pole vault. AIso 1 mile bicycle race if the ground ean be fixed. Gold medals wili be given as prizes in all the prinoipal ovents and as fast runners will be haudicapped every- ! body stand an eqnal show to win, so the bo} T s had better begin to train ripht away. The (oqthall season is coming on, and practice will eommenee next Tuesday evening the 14th iust. at 5 o’eloek on the baseball grounds, M„kiki, and eontinue same timp and plaee every luosday and Thursday till further notice. There will be a'special meeting of all members at the Y. M. C, A. Hall tomorrow (Priday) evening at 7:30 p. m.