Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 ʻAukake 1894 — A Coming Treat. [ARTICLE]
A Coming Treat.
Doctor John T_ H«tzopaio«, professīoDaHy knowa as Greek ' Gecrge. the strong man will »ppear &t theOpen Uouee on S*turday the ldtb inst. ar.d present to Honolulu somc of his wonderful feats. Greek George is a ta!l wiry-iooking man apparently not posseasing anusuaī proportions or strength but Le performs feats whieh bave to be eeen before beIieved and whieh eqnal those credited to the famoos Sandow. The doctor will raise a man sltting in a chair with one band While reclining between two cbairs, the back of bis head restinp on one and bis heels ou the other!two men with 15 Ibs. hammers will break a 250 lbs. granite stone on his breaet. He breaks ropes aud chains with a stroke of his finger, whieh • >ther men cannot do with their entire weight. Many other feats conld be mentioned. Several poople have ! ere seen sorae of the performanees of thisgiaut At Sau Souci a few days ago, he lifted two gentlemen standiug on his hauds fro:u tbe floor. Tlie weight of the gentlomtiu \vere 190 and 130 lbs r:spectively. At Mr L. J. Levey’s auction room he, ou one haml lifted Mr. J. Marsdeu. From these examples the strength cf ti:e doctor ean be judged and will be of intercst to all to wituess his perfurmance.