Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 ʻAukake 1894 — Band Concert. [ARTICLE]
Band Concert.
— There will be an open air eoncert by tbe baud at Emma Square commencing at 7:30 o’eloek, Following is tbe programme of i the muaieal events: Ta»t i. 1. Mir h—*‘C. S. S. PhllAiielphi»’', ,B*rgw 2. Orertcre—“Elir» anJ Claudio" Merc»dante I 3. Fautasū —“Th* Frinoess Air". . C'brvns 4. Selection— * The Begjr*r Stndent".. ltillocher P\rt n. ; 5. Selectkm —"Madaw« Augot H Lecooq 6. M»rx'h—"Hawaiian Holel'* Berger 7. W»lu—**PopnUr Mekxdies - ’ Berger $. Oalop—“Light as • Fe*ther".... KiooUi • Hawaii Ponoi."