Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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The samo olJ inoou is now over a quarter full. • Morgan, the silver - tongued, holds anauction at his salesrootus tomorrow. The meml>ers of the Healani boat club moet this evouing at the Hotel. Tho linea of the looal detectives soera to be cast in ploasant plaoes at preseut. Quick dispatch is promised for all baggage forwarded by F. Alves' oxpress. Doputy-Sheriff Sam Chillingsworth of Maui is in town on a visit of short duration. The loaso of the tioveiument lot, No. 15, situttted on the Esplanade is to be sold uext mouth. Moonligbt tlshiug parties now line the wb«rvos and the many natives engaged are meetiug witb good luok. 13rebam tbe soft soap mau has a very iuterestiDg advertisement in tbis issue whieh all bousekeeper$ shoulJ read. Mr. W. ti. lrwin, W. A. Wa!l and W. E. Kowell were amongst tbe passengers by the Claudine for Muui on tbe 7 inst. Residents on tbe Plains are bappy in au abundanoe of nrater at preeent l tbe llow frora the artisan welis being utilized. Tbe band concert at tbe Hospiial grouods yesterday afternoon was enjoyed by a number of people besides the convalesoents o tbe institution. Tbe bktue Irmg*rd. Captain 8ebmidt, sails for San Franclseo to - morrow cariying a cargo of augar aud nee valued ot $43,883.75. In the equity eaae of J. F. Bowler vs E C. Macfarlane et al. more geuerally kuown as tbe "EUle controTersy ,’” Judge|Cooper yesterday advouced mattera by orderiog un sccounting before C- F. Peterson Esq. as master.

A<ln]iral Walker anJ «tatf .-nJ | Ca]'t. B.irker of the Fiaffship j Pbt!adelphi* cn!Ied oflBc!ally' T >n tbe Br:tish Comtnis«ioner yesterday mominp Altboagh every raoruit;g presents &trocg indications of nin noLt*, of any quantity, has yet fallen and therefore the dronght c~nt : naes. — “Alahama” Mitchell who is “anything bat a spy,” ashe says, is at present “keeping ca8es” on Washington Plaee. Looking oat for bnrglars, probably. Tbe Viavi reniedies are be coming more and more celebrated in town and raany women bave already l)een greatly relieved by using them. It is a core for numerous diseases and a visit to the office on King strest will well pay all snfferers. The bicycle race whieh bas been so long noted,by an evening paper, to take plaee between Spencer aud Wright has, by mutual cousent, been postponed until the 31st of September. It has been noticed that, for somo time past betweeu tbe hours of midriight and 1 a.m a rifie has been discharged in the v cinity of Waikahalulu bridgo. The eontinuity of the occnrreuce c.tuses remark. The i>olice know nothing about it. Harry Armitage. William Lantz and Johu Winter all well known busiuess men of town havo disqualified theraselves, with other good frora jury duty by not swearing allegiance to the new jastboru, republic. Queen Emma Hall is receiving needed repairs by order of the trustees of the Qooen’a Hospital. The building will be used. iu tbe near future for a kindergarten school under the directiou of Mr. F. W. Daraon. Mrs. Featherstone, the woman . so seriously cut by a kuife in the hnnds of her husband, is not improving in strengtb mueh the shock and paina of the wounds a!though bravely borne at first hns left au impress on the nervous «ystem not quickly removable. — Mr. Oeorge Lycurgus has again assumed the couduct of Sans Souci and has retained the services of that “prince of caterers,’’ Mr. J. W. Ohapman. The former proprietor of the Villa, Mr.Simpson, speaks highly of the ability of Mr. ehapman and recommends him with coufidenco to guests of the house. The Australia besides interest ; iug polilieal news will bring a fine assortment of Oysters for W. Cunningham, whieh he will serve iu his celebratedQystor-cocktails a most iuvigorating aud healthy eoneoeiion esi>ecially when iakeu with the celebratod iced Friederiksberg Beer whieh is alway§ on ; hand iu the Anchor.