Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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of BICYCLE MEET To bc Il«id On Saturclav, Aut 11th — KAP10I.ANI PAKK, 2:3 p-M. sharp l-Ow M.U? Duh. ope&: ltotd MckU!. Ha‘f Mile D*sh. &jTkv; Mnlal. 3— Oae Qnrter UiU D*»h. open; &1»« Med*l. 4— One HaU Mile Di»h, bor» aader 13 Tears; S*1t« M. UU; t:r<4 *nd «*onJ. 5— One H»If 3i:le Disb. open; Ooki M«U1. 6— Oue Mile D&sb, thn*e &iiaate cU«: Sti»er Me-.ii!. 7— Three Qa»rter Mile D*sb, open; GolJ Med&L 8— One Mile Dash, noeioe; Sil»er MeiliU. Eatrance Fee (or Ka'es Xos. 1.5 an«l 7, $1.30; all oth«rs. entraoce $1. AIl £ntrie» to Ck>se ON MONDAY. Aag | 6th. 12 noon. at the oSce o( H. E. Walkee, Merehant Stnet, Henolaln. Generd At1missioa, 50 cts; Grau.l Siand, eitra. 25 cts; Qnarter Stretch FWiges, $2.00 | eaeh; Carri;iges (imūde b( r*cecourse $2.30. . I United Carriage Company, M. REIS h J. C. QUINN -^^29CD^T<> THE PVBLir -U rou are Uilnkln« about #lioppin", t allin" or laking in the «iehle, rin" up 'h<0, wherr voa ean ohlain a nrst-cla«» carri«i:e with el«mnt Uorso« and a ciril driver, or i( you choose to dri»e yonrself, we eau aeeoini»odate yon wilh *tyiUh Bu"s:ies, Phaetons, SQrrios āml Wagonette«. We have for livery horses the hncst roadsters in the Hepuhlie. ' Our livery borsos comprise some of the well-known rōadstcrs, «uen as the Gray-c*gle, White-ew*n. Prince Hcnry, Abadella, Koanoke, Lady Temp!efon. Ste»ewhipper and others; a child ean dri»e any o( tbese borscs, but it takes a Kansas cych>nē to pass one of them on tbe road. For furtber particulars, ring up 290, or eall at our stand and oiliee nexl to fe. O. Uall a 6on. jy 26. F0R SALE. A FINE “ MIDNIGHT " STALLION colt belonging to P. D. Isenberg. The colt ean be s»en at the PANTHEON STABLE 1 from to-morrow. tf. — (T0jJJJEB(3IHIf pHOK eOKNEH OF Nuunnu and Beretania Streets. 561 r~ Botfi TeLephones:— 561 G00D, RELIABLE axd jy27 tf CIVIL DRIVERS. Mutval Thl. j66. P. O. Box 158. WING WO TA1 & C0., No. «5 NutUKvSnm, Hoscu. Lt;, H. I., Commission Merchants, th\d. —Importkp.s ,\m> l)r.ti.rM i>- — General Merchandise. Fine Manila Cig*r«. Cblnesc and Japanese Crockeryw»re, Mattlngs. Vases ot all kinds; Camphorwood Trnnks, Rattan Chairs. A Fine Aa»ortment of Dre«i Silk», Choicest Brauds of ehineae and Japane«e Teasof Latest lmportationt hup'Hion o/Ntw GoodJ t r**f*ft/nUy toii<r\Ud. julj«. Chas. T. Gulick N0TARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu, Agent to Take Aeknowle\lgtnents to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieen- . ses, Honolaln, Oahn. Agent for tbe Kaw’n Islands of Pitt k Scon*8 Freight and Parcels Express. Agent for the Bnrlingioa Koute M Estate Mer aitEeierai A^l • Bell Tel. 343; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE; No. 33 MEKCHANT Street Hnnolain H * FOR8ALE. One M rquee Tent. new; Size 16x32 feet; 6 feet Wall; 13 feet Boof 8 oz. Dock; Polee, Pina, Eing Bafter, etc. Inqaire at tbe HOLOMUA 0FF1CE.