Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 August 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

Jalv 24 1894. Ia' Poddenhead Wdson * Fhilosophy Mark Twain s: “Put ali of yoor eggs in one ba>ket — and waleh that bas&et ” Eggs are not the ouly tbings to whieh this applies, we ean make it fit stoves and cbacge eggs into do’lars and make it read—Invest yonr eoin in a Pansy Stove—and the stove will watcb itself We ; have been watchiog these stoves for the p.ist five years, aiul find 1 tbera the best iron stove sold in this market for the money, Where else than at onr store ean you get a stove thnt will do ovorv thing that a $ō0 stove will doand got it for $15? L’oho answers, ‘the plaee isn’t bnilt.’ We bave sold hundreds of these stoves in Houolulu, and never had a f eomplaint. Two weeks ago, we sold one to a gentleman ou Hawaii, and yesterday be ordered auother for a friond. Tlie st;jve seils itself through its fuel saving qualities. aud because, it is a ' good baker. You ean get other ! styles of stoves if you are not particular as to the quantity of fnel yOu buru or how yonr food is cooked. There’s no dyspepsia in mea's prepared ou a PANST. We received last week a lot of wiro clothes-lines that hold washed clothes witbont using pins. It is a sort of double wire arrangement aud tbe pieces are beld in between;tbe barder tbe wind blows tbe tightertbe pieces are beld to tbe line. Tbere is absolntely no ‘danger of tho ; clotbing being torn as tbero is nothing sbarp about tbe line. While tbe cost i» a tririo greater than rope, this new slyle will last so mueh Ionger that it is eeonomieal to bny the pinless line. The CLAUSS is one of the new fungled saw-edge knivesthat cuts warm bread without leaving it heavy r and iced eake without making crumbs There are two or fliree d Hferent mikes of these knives, all on the same principle and eaeh oue prononuced the best on earth by the manufacturers. We selected the Clauss, whieh we believe as a disinterest-_ ed spectator to bo better than its ueighbors. Yon never bud anything in your Iife that give as mueh satisfaction for a dol!ar. If you were buying the other sort you would get only ono. The favorite sewing maehine in any community is the one that does the most for the le vst money and whieh ruus the easiest. In tbe “Wertheiiu” you have a maehiue that sews three distinct stitches—The Loek, Chain and Embroidery aud runs easier than any otber maehine, and you pay twenty dollars less for it. Eeonomy stands bcldly every side wben you bny a Wertheim. In tncking the ehain stitch is preferable, but in other kinds of work. the loek stitcb is the best. If yon buy a maehiue that sews tbe loek, unless it is a Wertbeim, it won’t sew a ehain stitcb. Tbere’s no particular saving in buying a maehine witb but one stitcb, tbe Wertheim does tbree and saves yoa iots of tronb!e and worfc. We've just unpacked six casks of stand Umpstbat were built for bard times. They have metal bases and are decorated so as to make a very ueat appearance in a room. We Jon't think yon ean get as good a lamp anywherb else for the money. try as bard as you please. Our sfcock of table cotlery, spoons «nd forks is as iarge as : yoa will find in anv stora in Sau 1 ; * , Francisco, anuourprieescompare ; favorabIy ifiib ibose in New York. ne Hanui lartnre Cl 807 Fort Straet