Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 183, 8 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I I*rojframnfle ol' BICYCLE MEET To H«d On Saturday, Aiu». 11th - • o KAPIOI.AM PAKK. 2:3*» !*.¥. s!i.*rp 1-0» M.W Dx*h. open: Goi.t Ue.UI. 'i—llali Dub, mtot; Si!w il U!. 3— Otw Qn*ner Mi’e D*sh, open: Sī!vet 4— One H*I{ Mūe D*sh. bors nu.W 15 Stirer 5It-.Ul*: rirs» »n l >re»n.l. 5— One H*lf Mile D*sh. open; GoU IMiL 6— O&e Mi!e D*sh. tlm>e mi&nle eUea; SOver MeeUI. 7 —Th.ree Qaarter Uile D*sh, opeo: Gokl Ued*L S—Oue Mile Dash. norice; S:lrtr Mr.Uls. Eninnee Fee for R*.-es Sos. 1, 5 *nd 7. $1.50; &11 oth«rs, entrance $1. AU Entries to Ooee 0S M0XDAY. Anj; 1 6th. 12 noon. at the office of H. E. Walkee, Merchant Street, Heuolnln. Oeneml AJtuission, 50 cts; G«nd Sland, citra. 25 cts; Qnartor Stretoh Rulg» s, ? J.uO eaeL: Carruges ; iuside ol race conrse i $2.5t). i United Carriage Company. M. REIS ii J.C.QUINN SSSiSfS!SS53?iS3S3ē. , 3ē 290 TO THK PUBLIC: —It' you arc Ihinkini; about $hopping. calting »r taking in the sicbt$. riuc up whcre you ean ohlain a firsls.-la,-> carriage with eleennl horse« aiul a civil drircr, or if yon ehooee to drive your$e!f, we ean aeoommoiiale you with $tylUh Bnccie». Phaeloo*. Surries aml W«j;onette$. We have for Uvery tior>es the tine#; road.>ter> in the Repnblic. Our livery horscs comprisc aome o{ ihe well-known road$ter$, $neb as the Gray-eagle, \Vhite-swan, Prinee Henry, Abade!lā, Koanoke. Lady Templeton, Stevewhipper and other$; a child ran drive any of llieae horses, but it takcs a Kansas cycIoue to pass one of Iheni on the road. For f.irther particular$, riog up 'AH), or eall at our stand i and otlice next to E. O. llu.Il a Son. jy X. ED. C ROWE. Home Sign and Oinamenial Painter. ManUfaclure of Li«jui«l Slating. j 620 King Streel. augl , (TejJEIEflCIHL JJH£K C0RNEK OF Nuuanu and Beretania Streets. 561 TeLephones:— > 561 G00D t KELIAULE and jy27 tf CIVIL DRIVERS. Ml-tval Trl, a66. P. O. Box 158. WING WO TAI & CO., No. j; XcriavSmrr, Honolllu, H. I.. Commission Merchants, -—lMPORTEK3 AXB DK.tLKR.-i IX— • General Merchandise. Fine Manila Cigars. Ohineae and •Japaue«e Crockeryware, Matting$. Vaae$ oi aU kind», Campborwood Trnnks, Rattan Oiaiiw. A Fine A«sortment of Dress SUks, Cboicest Brands of Chine.se and dapaoese Teae of Latest lmportations Xrte Goo‘U 1 rrfprr(/i,lly tolicUrd. jn\j6. Chas. T. Ouliek N0TARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu. Agent to Take Aoknow le<lgment8 to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolnln, Oaha. Agent for tfae Haw’n Islands of Prrr & Scorr’s Freight and Parcels Express. Agent for tbe Barlington Koate. Real Estats Msr aiiGeieral Ar°oit Bell Tel. 348; Mot. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 33 MERCHANT Street Hnoolala H • POK BALE. One M*rqoee Tent. ne«; Siae 16x32 feet; 6 feet Wall; 13 feet £oof’ 8 oz. Duck; Polea, Pm», Ring Rafier, etc. Inquire at the HOLOMUA OFFlCE.