Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 183, 8 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Ciub Stables i Company. $. F. fjpaham, Managei f M Livery and Feed Stables. FORT STHEET, heiween līotel and Berftauia Sireets, Honolulu. Both Te!ej>hone? 477 jy23 Im : PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory, B\UI;RY aii<l Ice Cream Parlors! • ‘i 1 13T’ PRACTICAL CONFECTK)XEH axd ORNAMENTER i i !n all brauche» of lht bv*ine*t on ihe*e itland*. Amenean, Emrlisb, Gennan and French PASTRIES Madc to Urder. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES 1 Maele of the Verv Best Maleml and at Reaaonablc Rates. Family Graham &. Fancy Bread Altcayf on IfauJ. ALL ( OXI’EtmOXERY Manufactnred at My E<tahUsbm<’nt Arc t.uarantoed to be Positivoly Pure and Sold at Prices no other establishincnt ean eompele with. gWT FACTORY ASD STORE, Xo, 71 Hotel Street, Honolnlu. BoUt Telephoncs Xo‘. 74. J_rAJ TO LET. A Large Parlor Bedroom, King Sireet, next door to John F. Bowler's residence. Inquireof jy27 10t Mks. BAILEY. PANĪHEON SALOON, FORT AXD HOTEL STS. Headqaarters Enterprise Brewing Co. Largest Consignment of Beer that ever arr»ved Lere, now on Draught jjr!4 3. DODD. Prop r A»ni\ISTRlTOR’S loniE. THE L’XDERSIGXED haring been dnir ■ : appoimed AJministrator of tbe Estate of ‘ PAHIA KALOI k. of Mokae, H«nt Mani, : deceasr>l, wonM hcre«rith gire notwe to all persons haring acconnts against the said «tate to prescnt them to hiin, properiy • sworn to, vnthin st mouths from date . hereof, or ther wiU be forerer barred. And aU penon* owtng the said estate are reqnested to #ettie f rthwith. M. H. REITER, Administrator of the Estate of Pahia j Kaioi deceaaed. Hana, Maai. Jnlr 7th, 19W. jy 9-lm Xew Japan Market. 367 Maumkea S(reet. Fresh Meat on Ice 4 Pound 25Ct9. Scgck1, Manager. ( augl CiJIX KEE. HORSESHOEiNG SHOP. Maunakea a Pauahi Street. X*w aet ail ronmi f 1 30 01d *et ail ronad j i ūO Xeat Door to 5 Hooae. tugl -e. * H0RN m m 1863 III/ ll 1834 'o.