Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 183, 8 August 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
i [We do not hold oarse!vcs respon8ible for ! the opinions or the ntter*nces of cnr correapondents.] i Editob Holomua: j The Advertiser of this morning < in its loeal news eolamn pub- 1 lishes a statemeut tbat I (if it ' means me) bave taken the oatb i of allegiance to the Republic. ' This is not true, and I eannei 1 imagine where the Advertiser * reporter received his iuformation i * from. 1 By publishiug this you will eon- l fer a favor upon the ucdersigned s apd others who are surprised at 9 the ,, previousness ’of the Adter- * (iser reporter. A. Rosa. j c Houololu, Aug. 8, 1894. [