Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 183, 8 ʻAukake 1894 — HAWAIIANS ABROAD. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


How the Paradise of the Pacific is Advertised. ( Copious tears trickled over the i port rail of the steamer Australia yesterday afternoon and mingled softly with the briny waters of the bav. Tho Hawaiians were . . t siiliug back to their sun-kissed < isle and all hands wept, as is ] their wont when leaving scenes they fcavo learned to love. It was an extrcmely atiecting spectacle, and one that moved the heart of the hardest. Tears eouKl not have been shed c f| more freely had eaeh dark skiu- : . ned islanderbeen standing beside 1 the newly made grave of his only , 1 parent. Long-ilrawn sobs smote uj>on the air, broken on'y by tfce silent toar when it slruck the 1 water and the joyous oath of the a haekman who badn’t room to tum * round ou the dock. Theu amid ‘ a perfect torrent of te*rs the i steamer iet go and swung clear of the wharf. -

9 Before sho bad straigbtened 9 np tbe lady Honoluluians had so - fsr forgotten their anguish as to ( - dance tbe hula-hnla on tbe deck . j while tbe gentlemen went be!ow > i to subdue tbeir over poweriug 1 grief with eopiooa draughts of l gin. Yet tbe Hawaiians bated to • leave us, and it nearly broke > tbeir teuder bearts to do so. Tbe j bnrning mouniain and the somnolent bnll who nsed io doze and i dream of home in front of the i village were left behind. Tbey ., ■ go home by tbe nezt steamer in >

company witb the emb«lmed re | mains of that 100-year-old turtle. • whieh agedirapidiv in tbis elimale and died far away from the joyoas scenes of its early yootb. Perb«{ s it was tbe cra&faing tboogbt of forsaking tbe mouai&iu, tbe bnll and tbe late tarile j tbat C3»ased tbe emotional natives s to weep so freely. Bat they aregone,and with them departed one cf the best reraerabered featnres of tbe M;dwinter Fair. Witb the exception of Mr. Opa eaeh one of tbe Hawaiians, from tbe smai!est baby to • tbe old gray-w biskered patriarcb who ro«le tbe ball. Iooked pros perons nud bappy. Tbe Pele quartet, w hieh played tbe iaropatcbes and sang so sweetly iu front of tbe village, went back bom« in tan sboes and white-boy coats As for tbe huiahula girls tbey wiil duubtle.-s be receiv«d in tbe best families ou tbeir triumphant eutree into Honoluln. It has been a long time since acytbing so gorgeous as tbose dancing maidens bas disturbed tbe peaee and quiet of tbe water frout. In many instances tbēir toilets b irdered on tbe spectacular. aud lbe most subdued wardrobes amdīig tbem reverberated above tbe hum and turmoil of traffie. One of tbe ladies appeared 011 the dock in a dress so -red tbat bad it been tcrn or cut tbe fabric \vou!d undoubtedl\’ bave bled. j Sbe also gloried iu a hat whieh wuhKI given have giveu an autum nal landscape sonie valuable pointers on color. Tliis lady was Miss Emilie. The premier hula danseuse, wbo was imported frora Honolulu along abont tbe mieKllo of the seasou at au enormous 1 salary. Cefore leaving home the lady ; caused a report to be circulated in the islands to tbe etfeot that sbo was dej)arting ou au extended pleasuro trip to America, anel would probably visit Europe ere sbe returned to the tropics. Bat when tbe agile aud voluptuous Emilie landed in tbe village at the Fair, Webster, tbe press ageat, immediately sougbt out tbe reporters#aiid had tbem berald tbe advent of the dancer. Tboy did so to a cousiderable cxtent and also printed pictures of tbe distiugiiisbed lady traveler from Honolnlu cavortiug on a platform iu scant attire Tbis dreadful expo.se, whieh Emilie kuew would reach her home by • ! the return steamer, drove tbe unfortunate maiden to seek sol.ice in tbe flowing bowI. Sbe said sbe never would go back to Honolulu, but wouKI elie on a foreign sbore. Ho\vever, -iu the aeeumulation of wealtb and plaudits Emilie forgot ber resolve and decided to go back as tbe best dressed lady in tbe aggregation and cut a wider swatb tban ever before. As she passed up the gaugpiauk yesterday tue dock \vollopers bowed low aud said sbe must be a daugbter of the Queeu. — S. F. ChronicU. ____________