Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 183, 8 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HAWAH’8 “ BLUE” LAWS COXSTITriIOX and LAWS Frameil hv tho Missionaries. LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. If the property be JestroyeJ or iujurevl by the provulonco of God, as by fire. the overturning of a vessel. a stroni; wind or the like. then the man shall not pay damagos. he shall pay damages only for his own fault. If this law be prodaimed in any villapo or di-trict, then the day of its proclamation shall be tho day on whieh the law shall take etTcct at that plaee. But eveu if it be not proclaimed it shall neverthelcss take etfeot on the first day of September of the present yoar, at all places on t!ies- Hawaiian Islands. All thc words in this law having reooived the approbation of the Nob’es and Represeutativo Body, we ha\o here'into set our natnes on this twenty-third day of April in t,ho year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and forty-oue, at Lahaina, Maui. (Signed) KAMEHAMEUA III. KEKAULUOHI. CHAFrER XXI. LAW RESPECT1NG PARENTAL DUTIES. It is a great misfortune to chiidren not to bo well takeu caro of, nor is the raisfortune theirs only, the nation also suffers for before raany years the parents will all be gone, and all the business will be developed npon the children, not morely the business of husbandry, but that of govern* ment also. Wherefore this is a raatter of great importance, and it is well for parents to reftect and take caro of thoir children and enlighten tbem. It is well for tho law a!so to aid tho paronts in taking care of their children, whereforo in a eouneil of the NobIes and Reprosentative Body, tho words of this law were upprovod. 1. Parents and thoy only have the direction of their children without interference from others. If any one interfere with thera in tbeir raanngoraent of their children, the law shall aid thom and punish him that interferes accortling to tho aggravation of tho offense, in the estiraation of the judges. 2. If parents wish to commit their child to the care of another. it is well for thera to go before an ofticer, and make their agreeraent in writing and he being a witness to, the correctness of the transaction. and siguing his namo as such, the writing sha11 be legal. Jf there be no writing or no ofticer sign his nanie, the ehihl ean not bo transfcrrc-1. The true pareuts still have the direction of tho ehikl. 3. lf a parent see his ehikl to bi in fault, he ought to instruct or punish him according to the nature of his fanlt, nnd the samc a!so of foster parents. They eommii no crime by iuflicting pain on a raLschievoos child. But tho»o who punisb unmercifully comtnit a crirae, and shall be fined as those who eommit an assanlt. 4. But if a pareat raaltreat his child, or do not furnish him with food, clothing anJ other necessaries, or chastise him nnmercifully, it sball be tbe duty of him who sees it to inform the judges. And itshall be the duty of the judges to bring bim to trial, and on evidence of his crime, the jndges shali have a right to take tbe chiid aud give him to a good man, and tbe parent sball be fiaed to a sn£cient amounl to pay for tho care of tbe child, and the fine shall be given to the child’s new gaardian. 5. If one man criminally entice the child of anotber into sin, he shali himse!f be fined as one actnally gnilty of the ain. Bnt if it be not a crime in law yet it is a crime in the estimation of the parent. and at varL*nce with bis command, then the jadge sball look at the n *tare of the offense and shall fine him who enticed the child to violate his parent«’ instruction, accordmg to the raag Q itnde of the crime in the estimation of tbo judges6. If tbe pareots are not agreed in relation to Ihe ehilii, then tbe fatber’s decision sbail stand in law, thongh if tbe mother be the bigher chief, then the decision of the mother ahall atand, and not the father's. Tbis reqairement however does not apply to those children of cbiefs who have been given away previoos to tho enactiug o! this law, and afterward the parent died. i, lf a child be left wiihoni natnral parents on account of their death or ahaeneo, then the foster parentsshall have tbe direction of tbe child. If the child be ilIegitimato tben the mothor ahall have the direction o! him, bnt i! tho motber be uu!ailhfnl, th« jndges ahall have power to tako the child fxom her at their discretion. (To Bi Continxud. j