Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 183, 8 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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MACFABLANE Ā CO. Dealers in Wina and SpiriU j Kubamiso Street, Ilonolaln. H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., Gb»x:ebt, Feed Stobe <k Bakebt. Corner o( Kiu£ an<l Fort Sta., Honolalo J. PHILL1P8, PR.\CTICAL PLUMEEK, GA8.FITTEK X»PPER-SMrTH, Honse and Ship Job Mork Promptly Execate<l. No. 71 King Street. Honolali. I)k. M< LENNAN, F<>rt Street, above HoteI. Muluai Telephone (i.s2. for olllee; i 287 lbr neaieienee. jy28 l>r. AT€HERI<EY, M. R. C. 8. (Eng.) L. R. C. P. (Lond.) Haskemovedtooffice fokmerly occnpied by Dr. Foote, 00R5ER ok PrXCHBOWL*ASD KtHETAXlA Stkkkts. Mot. 2IM, Bell 84L ju29 Im LEWIS J. LEVEY, Heiil Estate and Heneml Auctioneer. and Quecn StreeU, Honoluln Personal attentinn given to Sales of Furnilure, Real Estate, Stock and General Merchandise. Mntnal Tdeohone 2.W M. LOSE, ?sotary I 3 ublic. CoUectoT and General Business Agent. Paienlee of Lose’s Ohkmioal Compound for Clarifying Cane Jmee. Suh-Agent for sevcral of the Bcst FIQE L\SURAXCE COS. Mntnal Telepbone s. P. O. Box .138. j MercLant street, Honoluln. I “FATBOY.” BAY 8AL00N ! P. McINERNT, Phopkieioii, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Co&NKE BmiEL AND HOTtL STS. ) Honolulu Carriage Manufactory W. W. WKIOHI, PBoruiBTOK, (Succe»sor to G. We»t). Pakkuoe euiLniNO asp kepaiwno. V All Ordcrs from the Other Islands in ihe C»rriājjc Buildln*, Trim;uinjt aud Palntimj Line WlU Meet with Peompl Attcntion. HUcksmithiuc in Ali Its Varioos Branebes Done P O. Box 321. Xoe. 128 and 130 Fort Street. )y!9 ly W. S. LUCE and Sr>irit Mercliant Camphell Fire-jrroof Block, \IERCHANTST. HONOLULU. CTOH8B CO*PAS Y, 33> Both Tki.epH0XE8 S35 Haek Stand, Corner King and Maunakea S:reeU. Hacks at All ■ Hours. jy27 Anchor-:- Saloon | Ex “AUSTRALIA." Another Invoice of the World Renowued I FREOERICKSBURG U6ER BEER Ou draught »nd by tbe keg. AIōo, as a Specialty, Small Fresh California 0YST£RS, FOR CX)OKTAIJLS mayl 3ms