Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 183, 8 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

HAWAIIAN REPUBLIC. OFFICĪAL UST OF MEM BKR8 AM> LOCATĪON OF BDREAUS. Extcrrm Ooneo. 3. 8. IW. FmU«at at tH* Pn>rIaloa«; mrr.t o( Ihe Hav«luin !. «:ia Mi .: rr cvf Fot*lra .Ukln. J. A. KI n*. MUil«ter ol Um !nt»not, 3. V Poiuon. MinuUr ol FUmr.fr. W. O. 3mīU>. AttoriMT-Lr»ijrr»!. A.nvisn»T Corxrru W. e, 'Vi;.Wr. VI<»-PT«Wen! at thr ProTt*Son«l GoT«n>ment ot Uīe H«*»«iUa U;«nd«. a Bo!tr. Oeell Bpt»em. John Sott. John En«, J«mes F. S.iron Kd- 9 ihr. Jo». P. Men>1onra. Cbas. T. R.Hl«cr«, SeereUry Ex. • eoonell». John Kmraelnth F. D. TenneT W. F A’.len Henrr W«terfaoc»e A. Youn< P. M. H«U*h <1 AJ« ST1’BKMK CofKT. Hon. A, F. Judd. Chlef IiuUee. Hon. R. F. Birkerton. Flrst Asaoelate Jn*tlfe. Hon. W. F. Fre»r. See»>n.l Amoelaie Junlee. Hcnry Smith. Chlef C!erk. Geo- Lno>s, Deputy CIerk. C. F. Peter*on. Seci'md DepntT Oleek. I. W«;ter Jones. $tenofr«pber. CiRccrr Jcdgks. Flrt Clrtnit: j *• O-hu See>nd Clrcult (M*ul) A. X. Kepoikal. Thitd«nd Fourth CireulU (H«w«U)S. l_Austl FUtli Circult : i Kauai) J. H«rd t. OHlee» «nd Court room In tonrt Ho- «e. Kitur streef. Slttin< li II , fh, Mond«y In »brn«ry. M«y, Augn»t *nd Notc ber. DKr*KT*KNT or Fokkioj» Appaukl Oillee In C«pltol Bui!dlnf, Kliif «treef. Hl» Eicellency 3*aford B. Doie, Mlnl«ter of Korel*n Affalrs. Geo.C. Potter. Secrct*ry. W. Hor«ce Wrtght, Uonel H«rt, CIerk». DKr*KTMK.VTOf |5TKU0K> Officc ln Executire BuLdlng, Klng streeu Hia ExrcUency J. A. Kinp. Mlnl»tcr of Inferlor Chlef CIerk, John A. 11«** nger. Asslstaat Clerks; Jamcs H. Boyd. M. K. Keohokalole. stephen Mahaulu, ireorxc C. Ko«s Edwanl 3. BoyiL BrBK*u or AGKicrLTru *bd Fou*tkt. President: H!» Excellency tbe Mlnl»ter of Intertor. Wm. G Irwln, AHan Herbert. John En«, Joseph Mar*den, Commi«>loncr «nd Sectcury. Cbikpb op Oru*rs. 1ktk»i ■» I>xp»rr»x.>n surveyor-Uener«I, W. D. Aiexanaer. 8upt, Pubi e Work*. W. E. KowelL Supt. W«ter Work«, Au>lrew Brown. Inspector. Electric U«til», John Caaidy. Registr«r of CjUTCT«urc« t T. G. Thrum. Ro«d 3upen lsor. llunoluin. W. H. e'ammlHKi Chlef Eng1necr Klrc Dept., Js». H. Hunl. 3upt. Inaane A»jrium. Dr. A. McW»yne. DKr*RTMK5T OP Fl5*5CK. Office, Executlve Bal!ding, King street. MIni»tcr ol Fln*nce, HU Exckliency 3 M Damoo. Andilor-i.enerml, (ieorjre J. Ro««. Regi»tr«r ol Acgcual», W. 0, A»hley. C’erk ol Elnanee Offloe, E. A. Mefn«rny. Collector-Generai oI Cu«tora, Ju. B. C«jtis. T«z A«sea»>r, Uahn, Jona. 3h«w. Depnty Tax Assea»or. W. C. Weedoo. Puatma«ter-Gener«i, J. Mort Oat, CtT»TOMS Bcu*u. OOee, Ciutom Hoaae. E*p!«nade. Fort »treet J«s. a c«»tie. F. B. Mctliocker. H»rborm«jter, l apuln A. Fallcr. Port 3orTeyor, M. » 3an-ier«. “* *■ ~f, George C. 3trsteneyer. ,Dkp*ktmkxt op Attoukt

OSce In Kxecutlre BulI«Uns. Kin< itnttAttorney O«oerml, W. o. ?mnn Deputy Attoroer.<j«D«ral, (i. K. WU4cr Ocrt, J. M. Kea. Manbaj, K. G. HUeheoek. Cl«rt lo M«nbml, U. M. I-,*. Depaty Manhml, Arthur M. Browa. JaCoT Oaha Prtw,n. J. A. Low. Prt»on Pbj-»!cUn, Dr. C. £. Coop«r. Boaju> or lM*i‘<x*nox. Pr-*Went. Hl* ExceīAncy A. Kin*. Metnber o< lh« Huwl of ImmienUoo t Uoo. J. B. Atberton. Ju. B. C«mCe, Bog. A. 9. Cle«born, J*me» G. »peneer M«rk P Hohinwo. 9ecreUry, W«y Taylor. Boabd or OOeela rrv>cnd* of Conrt Hnw BnUdIn» eoroer ot JGUi*ni ma j Quaen j(r«u. Membere Dr. D«t. Dt. M!ner. Dr, AnUiew», J. T. * *urbouae Jr., Jobn Eoa, Tbeo. P. Lanalne «nd Attoro«7-<ien»r»I imilh. Preurt«nt—Hon. W. o Smitb. 9eeret*rr—Clu». Wiieo*. ExrcoUT« 0*ctrr—C. B. Beynald«. ln«{>eetorsud M«sa«era< (iuU(t Srrric* U L L« Pierre, In*pertcr— <>. W. C. Jorm. Port PhrrtcUn. Dr. O. B. Anrtree». Dtoprt»«nr. Dr. H. W. Uow«rd. Leper 3ett>m«dt, Dr. R. K. utir«r. Boabd of Eoccatto». Conrt Uouae BttUJln*, Ela^itr«et* Pr*»ii!ent, Hon. C. 8. Btshop. 8ecret*rjr, W. J»ae» 3mltn. Ia*p«ctor ol 8chooto. a. T. Aikinaon. Di*ranrr.CoūB«^ Poiiee 3utioo BmUlin«, Mercb«&t «Ji«ot A a, M.