Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 183, 8 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

lr Yo: r Hoe*e Dwc is aiek send them *t to 20t> ! I King Street. The on!v \eter- | inarv lDfinnary in the BepobIic (aily eqa;pped »ith modern «pp!:arces &nd »Vteadants. aogl-lm EXECUTOR’S SILE! Ise instrocted bv M<ssrs. Bn« Cait*iigbt *ad H. £ Mclntrre, Execston ot the Eow of ihe Ub* I>r. Tn>uss«e*u, to sell at Pahhe Asctio&, at mj S*l*swoais. We«!uesdajr, August H AT IOOCLOCK A. >1.. The Whole ot'theStock ot Dmis. Mim Snrglcal Isstmaefits And a Large Variety of Groceries and Prorisions.' Consuti&g of Pon!tiv, Vegetab)e» Fmits. Chiinpagne, Wines, «to., bēk>Dging to s-iid Kstitr, a!t-'Ctioa o{ rpicnres U oallnl U> the above fine »tock of Pionaom importei! br the doctor forhisowo nse. Lewis J. Levey, aog6 ACtTIONEEK Removal ! I Hiistace & Co. - - HAVE MOVED TO Morgan*s - Auction - Rooms for a short tin»e. VVe arrstill Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA aml KINDLING WOOI) in anv qnantity. Both Tclephones 414 auC J. H. TRUSCHLER, Boot & Shoemaker. lll Fort S(ree(. Repairing, neatly Doue, balf sole anil heel witb pegs, $1.00. H ilf sole aml heel sewing : $1.50. au7 WANTED. Three bright Hawaiian Girls i to sell tbe famous VlA\T RE- i MEDY. Apply at the oliiee of the Viavi Remedy on KingStreet. aug6 F0R SALE »- RENT. 1 Piano, 1 Orgtn and Sewing Maehine inquire of X. F. Bl RhE>V Beretania Street. LoViJQY&eo t Wiqe \ Liquor ūealei^ 19 Nuuanu Street i i 1 We would eall y»ur attention to Our Special Brands Longlife <$ Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in casksor bott!es t l 9 i • ī i e » Pioneer Shirt Factory F-STABLISIIED 1SST A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, SSi Tort 9t., (Uprt>h»> Hoiwlnla, Good FU. / BAZAAR, — Corner of —• HOTEL & NUUANU Sts. Silk and Crepes, Embroidered Hadkerchiefs, I Winiow CurUins, Straw Hats, Fans. L’Rtern?, Basset?. all s rts; I>isbf8, Tea aod Breakf*At Seta, Travs, FIower Pot?. Ss!k Brdqo Iis, Bamboo Screeoa, Neck-t:ea, Silk »nd Crepe Sbirta, Jap aes« T ya. iapaneao Provision» by the whule» sa!e. 1 jy28 MU&AIA & CO.