Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 183, 8 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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LA0IE8’ OOLUMK Yoa h»ve a!l been reading thw Colamn for «ome time and expecting sometbicg to drop—well here goes for a liltle flyer as we say in Mercantile Parlance. We hare a connter deroted to Wash Dress Goods lhis week, they are worth Iooking at. and at tbe same time making a gaess oa their Valne. Remembcr yoa need not bay them nnless you want to —but you ean eall and guess on their Valoe —and the Lady guessing the nearest to the retail value of these Goods ean have her piek of a Dress Pattern for nothing, those that are not good gtfessers won’t make a veiy bad mistake, if they buy the goods outright at our figures. So eome in and make your guess, the pools close Saturday—the winner gets her Dress. Monday, Angust 13th. Thero is ucthing the matter with Scotch Dimity when you ean get 6 yards for $1 or Toile dn N rd for children’s SchooI Drcsses or L idies Dresses at 8 yards for ?1. Remember these gootls improve everytime they are washed. Something new in American, English and French Percale for Shirt Waists aml Dresses —these Goods are the fiuest ever shown hero and make up lovely. 3*2 ineh wide Cotton Duck at 15 oonts a yard is another thing you ean make no raistuko iu—all Fast Coloi*s —we bave au elegaut line of Linen Dnck. Now don’t forget to eome in aud gness on those ash Dress Goods. We have soinething for the Second Best Guesser but we won’t meniion it, B. F. EHLERS. NOTICE TO Visitcrs. Pienie Parties, Luaas —AND—OENEHAL PUBLIC! .. i i Ul Ar Sjuth‘- Bl*? and Livery Stable, King Street. [Adjoining Metrcpoliton Meat Market.] ls the Cheapest Plaee in T°WU Jūu oan get \Vagoneiie»., Buggies and Saddle i Horses‘. It will pay y»u to eall and see i before you try elsewhere. Mutual Telephone408 «355 augl-tf NO, ;5J0 NUl'ANU STREET, HONOLULU r Ta,ilox A fine assortraent of American. English and Scotch Cloths on hand good work and a F1RST CLASS fit guaranteed i Ciotheseaec’.dn & repaired Jy71m Long Branch i-Miwme-Establishment. This First-Cla« Bitbing R*sort 1 has been enlarged and is now ooen to the puhlie, lt is the best piaee on the islands to enjoy & Bath, and there is no fcetter nlaee to Iay off. Special accoromodations for Ladies. Tromcars pass the d*>or every half hour. and on SHturdays and Sundays every fitteen minutes. C. J. SHERWOOD, jy24 Pr«prietor. \ fJEW DEpApRE tbe • ilaw'ū \\mmv Semc( o L. M. Johnson, Man&grr * M Tel 3s» - Beil Tel » OFFlCS lu MASOJ«C BUILDLNO We *nr prep*(«d U> aailormed *: oil bour». Pro«ptacM *ad Hou,'ivnt»«>cc9U. Tcr O—m Mc*K8gw» Map.