Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 183, 8 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

ADVERTISER FAKES. Tf.e new Britisii Miuister resideot. C.«pts»n Hawes, did not c*Il on President Dole yesterd*y as stated in the A‘lcerti*er. Mr Autone Rosa did not take tbe to the repablic as stated j in tbe Adverti«er. The fake was nndoubtedlv gotten np for the purpose of injnriug Mr. Rosa aad will probably caase a libel soit. Good Advice. [From Our I’umh AnīmaU] There’ seems to be a great deal j of trouble at Washington about the Hawaiian islands away ont in the Pacific oeean three thousand milea or more from onr mainland, | with a population of only some 1*0,000, of whieh only aboat 20,- I 000 beloug to Americ.in and European nations. the rest being natives, Chinese, Japauese, etc. Why not (lst) lct them have tlieir own goverument and man- i age their owu utfa:rs; (2nd) grant to all nations who want them there stations for coaling and repair of vessels; and (3rd) make : these islands, as Priocetown, , Nantucket and other indefensible places have been made in tbe past. — neutnd ierritory in ca*e of\ war l G. T. Anoell. , FAR FR0M HOME. Hawaiian Ferns in “Frisco.” The S.F. Examiner of the 23rd nlt. haa the following: Adolph Sutro has bonght the i Hawaiian yillage at tho Midwinter Espositiou. The pnrchase inclndes all the appurtenances w;th the oxception of the vo!cano of Kilauea, whieh is to be taken to Chicago or New York. Mr. 8nlro will tear down the bnildings aud aliliae the glass windows for extending his hothonses for deiicate plants. He will make an atterapt to rebuild the village at or near the CliflF Houso. The thousand or more Pulu ferns will be added to his fernery at Sutro Heighta, and the paims will be planted near the parapet, so that they may be seen and enjoyd by the seals on the rocks. The houses that are made of matting and hamhoo will be takeu on Sutro Heights, and will 1 be put up at cQnvenient points for piehie parties, but no attempt will be made to keep thera in the form that was given tbem by the natives of Hawaii. The material of whieh they are constrncted, while lighi, is very durable, and will make picturesqoe smnmor houses to whieh visitors may resort for rest and recreation. The oolleelion of ferns thus obtained by Mr Sutro is said to bo one of the finest ever exported from the Sandwich islands, eomprising some rare varieties seep, even iu the gardens of the rich planters and sottlers of the islaud republic. It was feared that tbey wonkl not be able to withstand the ordeal of transp!antation to this climato, but thev appear to thrive well. None of the curiosities are taken by Mr. Sutro, as the greater part of the collection is owned by the Hawaiian Goverument, aud will Le »eut back home ou ( | the next steamer. City5ā Meat Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, £stablished 1883. J0S. TINKER, Maher of fhe Cekhmled E Cambridge Pork $ausage ! Tbi Them. Meat D«livered to Any Part oi tbe City asd Saburbs. Muioal lelepkoM Kumber 289.