Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 183, 8 ʻAukake 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


A<liuiral Walker, autl staft ealiod on Caj>tain Hawea tliis morn- ■ lt is rumored that Mr. John Kalua will be appointed sborift of Maui. Lost a amall Fox Terrior a re- ; ward will be pive for bis return to Jos. Tinkor. City Meat Market. Tbe usual henlth statistics for Jnly. 1ihto not yet been present- j ed for publication. Smitb's bnsses bave proved a boon to tbo community and tbe outerpri$e deserves patronago. Tbe cabinet beld a meeting . tbis naominp. Tbo Circuit Conrt was kept waiting in consequence for noarly an bour. Tbe Trousseau auelion was well attended aud tbe conteuts of tbe doctor’s collar and kitcbeu fotcbed good prioes. •«- i Messrs. F. 8. Dodge and W j A. Wall bave returned to town again from tbeir survey of roads on Hawaii. Tbere will be au open air eon- 1 cert by tbe band, at tbe Queen's Hospital gronuds, this aftoruoon, commenciug at 3 o'eloek. Tbe President of Uie Boanl of Healtb baving retnrnod from bis visit to Hawaii tbe Board met for bu«ineas tbis afteruoon. Tbe Conncils will meet tomom'w afternoon; aud, it is reported, will discuss the jury qaestion. i Tbe drought still continnes: care sbould be usetl against even uniutentional waste of the pi'eaenl meagre supply of water. Tbe kite-flyiug aeaeou is now at its beigbt and tbe ingennity of Asiatic residenta is daily displayed in tbe sky. The bicycle meetiug next Saturday at Kapiolaui Park promises to be a great success. Tbe boys are trainiug witb a good will and swift whoela ean be seen speeding aloog Kiug street early sud late. Who are tbe fttvorites?

A<lvices from Hewaii an*l Maai ! stāte that very few c»ti*ens have registered. Hemeajber. the Holo*Ca ia on!y FIFTY (50) CENTS per month. <lelivereil at yoar residence. Tb« bark Velocity i8 82 days ont fj m Hongkong. Soroe anxiety is felt in rcganl to her fate. of the Healani cīub, in good standing, are reqaested to meet, at the Hawaiian Hotel, tomorrow evening Line-men of the telephone c mpanies are kept basy now-a-days in clearing the wires of the debris of wrecked kites. Jast after the 9 o’eloek gqn was fired last eveninga large aud beautiful meteor was seen to fa.ll to the soath-east of the city. The towu seems to be well sup plie<l with emptj* cottages at presenl. Landlords, bowever, still stick to ‘before the war' rates. The Healani Boat Clnb holds an important meeting to-morrow evening at the Hotel. May the club revive aud get a raove on. The Bell telephoue employees, with the aid of some unexpected visitors, gave an excelleut impromptu concert last evening <>n Merchant street. The creditors in the commumty are not overjoyed but the debtors are mueh ploased at the prospective departure of the loeal “ornithoryncbus.” Joe Tinkor has lost a fox-terrier and is otlering a reward for its recovery. It is sincerely hoped that the terrier hasn’t bidden iu the sansuga ni'iehine. | lt is stated that the U. S. "N iee Consul - General Mr. W. Porter Boyd has beon promoted to a : cousulur position iu Australiu and wijl shortly leave for his new post. I The Mannerchor Harmony meet this evening in the parlors of the Pacific Hotel. Practice : will be commenced promptly at 7 ;30 o’eloek. A jonketing trip around Oahu. is proposed for the well-paid Board of Hegistration. The question is, “What will the ; harvest bo.” Tbere is considerable practice shooting beiug done, of late, at the galleries ou Hoiel street. Clean scores aro often made by supposed “suspects” of the extinct p. g. poople. P. D. Iseuberg advertises a fine Midnight” stalhou colt for sale. The horse will be bronght into town to-day aml ean be seen during the week at the Panlheon Stables. A luau was given in the “haekyard” [vide Tiacr] of Mr. A. F. j udd to the visiting collegians yesterday afternoon. There was speech-making, afterwards some. , thing to drink and then the usual parting words. “Poker” Dan who is reported to have taken $1-7 worth of gold cure looks today as if he had fallen in with some one who had osed a goldbeater’s hammer on him. He has pnt several heada on olher people now he knows j how it feels himself. The new mansgement of Spreckelsville *re m»kiog a great number of changes on the big plautation with a view of running it on a more eeonomieal basis The aumerous natives »nd Portuguese laborer» »re being rapidly replaced by eheap Japanese.