Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 August 1894 — HO NORABLE MENTI0N. [ARTICLE]

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The actioii8 of Admirftl Walker wliilo bc hii8 beeu witb ns here in Hawaii have uot p1acedhim in an unfavorublo light with those who ure frionds to the, oft-stated to be “Iost eauae,” but, on the contrarv, his rogard for the high position ho ho!ds us a representativo of tho powor of a great nation has provenled him frora beiug inado u tool of by the little cliqu« of self-c\patriated Araericaus who now infcst this formerly peuceful Parudise of tho Pacifio. As far as kuowu tho Admiral hns carefally avoided expreesion of opinion in regard to the present stato of aflairs in Hawaii, although a published interview in a foreign paper p!aced statcments in his raouth whieh he has not seemiugly, felt oalled npon to disprove. In this later hour of his stay with us, it is to be ho|>ed thut cort.iiu statoments mado bv his oflicers as eraiuating from him are garbled and did not convey the raeaning ] whieh somc of the partizan peopla of the Tlagship give to thora. lt is to bo boped that Admiral alkcr, who is an houorable mau. will uut conform to tbe prejudiced opiniona of Messrs. Judd, Do!e, Daraou or Jones. , who are all honorablo men, but ( iucliued to lean towards the , judgmcut of his comraauder-in-chiof, President Cleveland, who is also au houorab!e man, aud ; thns loave Uuwaii with all houor- | ablo meution.