Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Golden Rule Bazaar, Depot for N EWSPAPEHS and PERIODICALS by every incoming steamer. Sobscriptions Payable in Advance. DOMESTIC SEWtNG MACHIKES. This Maehine is the King of all. On ii yon ean make a Loekstitch, Ch»iu-stitch. Embroidery, : liutton-holes. Ruffles, Tucks. Guitars, Lawn Tennis, Baseball, Croqnet. Statiouery and Blank Books at Pbices. Hand Sewing Machines from eight dollars and a half op. [jy27 T. H. Davies & Co., ! I Fresh Feed and Flour From WASHINGTON. Lion Fiour, Oats, Barley, JVHddlings, Bran, Per “Warrlmoo,” Just to Hanel. New Dry Goods Crockery, Hardware, Grocerles, To Hand. -A.O-ElTTS FOB Baiiey Honoluiu Made Wire Voven Matresses ana Hammocks jy24 t 1 “ ' Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. » KUUANU STREET i Pe den io Ladie«’ k Gents’ Boot* »nd Shoea made to order. p O Box 387 Jy«