Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BRUCE CARTWRIGHT dasiaess of s Fidaci*rT K«tare Tr»asseted. I Pit»snpt »;trntk»n giren to the mnn*gejaent of Gnardisnships. TrasU, etc., *te., eto. Omou, : Ca.ixcright Building, Mercbant Street. Honolnin H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters; ANI) Provision Merchants 98 Fort Streot, - Honoluln Families, Plantations and Ships sapplied with choicest Euwpean & American Groceries California Prodace by Every Steamer. M!erch.ant Exchanpje Corner King ana Nnu&nu Streets. S. I. SHAW Proprietor. The Fine»t selection of LIQUORS and | BEER. sold anywhere in the town. First-class a’ttendance. CaU and judge ; foryonrself. no 113—tf. LEWIS C0. fcholesale and Retaii Gro AND PEOVISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIF0RN1A 8ALM0N ONICE By Every 8an Francisco 8teamer Salt Salxok in Barrels a Specialty. j m Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P O. Box 297. — CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block. JOBBERS OF AVIN KS, and SPIRITS KENGLUN, PH0T0GRAPHER. Nauauu and Paoahi Strects. Cabinets. I3.i>0 Per Do2en, " 2.00 Per 1-2 Do»en, 8x10 $.>.50 Per Dozeu. 3,50 Per 1-2 Doxen. Dry Goo<ls and Chinese Silk«. jy^3 plaliiūnal īi'on Street, Between Alakea A Riohard Sts. 'HE UXDEESIGKKD »re prep*red to make all tinds of Iron Fr»ss, Bronrc, Zine, Tin and Lead C*«Ungs. Aiao Oenenl Bepeir t3»p tor Ste*m Fagiaee, Rice MiUa, Corn MiUa, W.tor Wheela, Wind Milla. ew. Uaehiaee lor the £V«niag ot Coff«e, CmU Oik, 6mu, Eamie, Sisal, , Pinenpple Lht« k oth«r Fibn>u.s PianU, And Paper Stock Ako Maehinee for £xtncticg Starch trom thc Manioe, Arrow Root, eto. \3T AU Of<kr» pronsptly att*nded to. WHITE, RITMAN CO.