Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

r= THK HAWAIIAN REPUBLIC. OFFICIAL LIST OF MEM BERS AND LOCATION OF BPREAUS, Eiiemn Corxcu 5. ā. IV»>. PpesS«lor.J of Prort«J<>a»I f.oremmont of :ho Ha*otUa:i an<i Mtai«:er ol Fcrrt|rn UUn J. A. Rliur. XinMer of Ihe Interlor. 8. M, tv»n».«o. MinU3er of Ftn»r.•■». W. o. SnuU>, AJ»oraeT-Qener*:. Aī>vew«t Corrciu W.WT. Wr. Vtee Presldenl of thr Pn>rtston»: Gorerumeut of lh« HawaiUn UUnd». C. Boite. certl Btotrn. John Sott. iohn Kn», J>mes F. Momn Ed. S ihr. Jne. P. Mendonea. John Kmae’.ulh, K. P. 1>nnev, W. F. AHen. Heair W»terh<m«e. A. Yoon«. P. M. n»tch. Ch»«. T. Rod*err. SecreUrr Kx. » <1 A<!» O—āen» CorET. Hon. A. F. J'uM. Chlef !n»Uee. Hon. ft. F. Blekerton. Flr*t Ars.iel»|e J;:«“.re. Hon. W. F. Fre»r. Seeon«l .l»«:Ute Ju»:lce. Heurr Smlth. Chlef C!erk. (leo. I.ue>». tVputr Clerk. C. F. Peterson.See»nd Peputr CIerk. f. W»iler Jone», iteno*T»pher. ClBCriT JrDGK». Flr>t Circuit; |£ £ £££»’( 0»hn See>n<l Circuit: (Maul) .V. JJ. Kepolk»!. Thud»mt Fourth ClrcuUs (H»w»ll) S. U Au*tin Flftli Ctrcnlt; (K«uai) J. H«rdr, Offlees »nd Coort-room In Conrt Hooae, Kln(t strcet. Sittin« in llonolu'm-Th* (lr»t Motul«y lu Kebru*rT, M«y. .Vugu»t »nd NiTerober. Osr«BT*i.vr or Komo» rr*!«.♦. Offlec in OapUol Bulldluf, Klnf »treet. Hi« Kxcetleney S»n(ord M. Dole, Mlutster of Foret*n AHhin. Geo. C. Potter, Seereu ry. W. Uor*ce Wrtf ht. Liou'el H*rt, Clerk». Dsr«Knicvror Imuo» Office In Executire Buiidlnf, King >treeu Hl* Exeelleney J. A. King. Mlnl»ter of Interlor. Chief Clerk. Johu A. H«m neer. A««Ut»nt Clerks; J«mea H. Boy<l. M. K. Keohokalole. Stephen M«h»u; <<eorge C. Rom Edward S. Boyd. Bcu»v or AGUcrz.Tuu «kd Fo«xrrxr. Pre<ideut: H!» Excellcney tt>e Mlnl»ter o( lntertor. Wm. «i. Jrwin, AlUn Herbert. John Ena. Joeeph M«r»deu, Commluluner «nd Sectet«ry. CHtxrs or Bru«cs. Ixtkeiob Dir«Brxx.'n surveyor-oener»I. W. U. A!ex«noer. Supt. Vubl e Work». W. E. KoweU 8»ipt. W«ter Works, An<lrew Bruwn. Inspector, Eleetric Ughu, Juhn Cassidy. Reg>tr«r of Courer«nce», T. O. Tbnim. Ro«d Snpervlsor, Honolula. W. H. Cummlags Chle( Knginecr Klre Dept., J»s. H. Hunt. Supt. lOMue Asylum, Ur. A. McW»yoe. Drr«BTXk!<T or Fnt«j«f b. Office, ExeeuUre Buiidlng. Klng itrcet. Mlnister o( Klnanee, Uls Exceileory » M Uamon. AudUor-GenenU, George I. Rcss. Re«istrarof Accounts, W. (i. Ashīey. Clerk o( Kinanee uffico, E. A. Mr(neray. Colleetor-<iener*l of Cnstom, J»s. B. CuUe. T«x As»«saor, Oahu, Jona. Sh»w. Depnty Tu Assesaor. W. C. Weedon. P -«tma»t«r <ieueral, J. Mort U«t. CCBTOH* RVXB«U. 09ee, Co*tom Honse. Espl«n»de. Fort street Coilector-Genera!. J«s. B. Caatle. Deputv-Col.eeior* K. B. MratocBer. H«rborm»ster, C«:<t»in A. Fnller. Port 8nrreyor, M. » Sandera. storekeepcr, George C. dtr»>meyer. ID«r«KTXBVt or ATTOXXXr GX5XX«l_ OSc» la Execatire Bat!dlnf. Klng itreet Attorney-GeoermI. W. O. 9mltn Deputy Attorney.<ieaeral, O. K. WUder Clcrk, J. M. Ke*. K. O. H!tchcoek. Oerk to M»rah»l. H. X. Dow. Deputy Marsh»l. Arthnr M. hmwn. J»ilor «>»hn Prlwn. J, A. Low. Pnson Khysicl*a, Dr. C. B. Cooper. Bo«bb or lxxiG»«nox. Prcstdent, B!s Excei!eneT A. Kiaf. Memher of th«Boardof iara:jr»Ujn; Hon. J. B. Athcrton. J«*. B. r «*Ce. Hon. A. 8. Ofhoro. J»me» (i. speoeer M».-k p Knhl—nn. 3eeret»ry. Wr«y T»ylor. Bo»u> o» Hbac.ts. Offlee In xn>nads of Conrt Hoate Sui'. 51ag oorner of MiUiani *ad Qncen streeu. Memhen: Or. D»r. Dr. M!ner, Dr. Ar.drews, J. T. W»terhonse Jr.. John En». Theo. F. L»n«ing •od Altaraey-<i«neni 9mllh. Prcsident—Hoa. W. U 3mllh. Seeret»ry—Ch»s. W.leox. Exeen:lv» Offleer—T. B. EeynoM». lsspeetor sod M*n*gvr ol u*rb»ge āetTiee L. L L» PWrre! Iatperlor—G. W. C. Jone». Purt Phy«leiao. Dr. O. B. An.lrews. Dt*pen*»ry, Dr. H. W. How ».-■!. Leper 9etuētaedt, Dr. K. K. UUr«r. Boabs op EneeanoH. Coort Hooae BulMtag, Klug>treeC Hoa. C IL BUhop . W. J«mes 3artth. of Sehooi«, A. T. Alkiiuon. Durr»tci^Coc*r4 Pollee 9UUoo BoLMlaf, Merch«at iir«et ▲ ,0. M. Rohertaon, Magistr»t*. «mm* A TborapwMD t Clark *