Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
GŪNSA1VES I ot n»r,.J i Jopfh of the Vm Best Pioneer Soap| ( In Ca«* of «U «, 5». ® 79 B»rs «eh; THI< 80AP I? THE Finest īmported Eere. aPEOlAi. PRK F> FOR 5 CA8E> IN LOTS. m ,\i\m i drs' Ceiebrated Brands of SC0TC H WH1SREY }tamely: BEX ALOOeHLA.N, Ainsley's OLD Blemled Glenlivct GLE ,X 10 X Extra. Speciaī 6LENLI0N SPEC1AL L1QUEUR SCOTCH WHISKEY. jj2S POUXD MASTER’S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persons that there are at tho Goverument l'ouml at Makiki, fonr strayed horses. 1 poor red horse, vrhite spots on the (oreheai, back and on the left side; brand AF qneer brand on le(t hip: two hiad fetlocks white; ‘2 front hoo(s shod; one black mare, white spot on forehead and back: brand, a heart; brand on left hip not distiuct; sore back; one bay raare, white forehead; brand 2XM 3; brands on left and right hip indisUuct; one bay horse. fore (etlock white; brand on right hip M3; brand on !eft not plain. All persons owning same are rednested to take tue same ou or before 12 o’eloek noon SATURDAY, AUO.4 1894. JAiIES KUKON'A, Fonnd Master. Makiki, July 21. 1SW. jy21-dt P. O. Box 209. 405 Nuuanu St. S. YASUWIORI. MERCHANT TAILOR. Dealer in Japauese Go<xU, Boots anel Shoes of Japanese make; Oheap for Cash, Xew Goods by Every Steamer. jy 23 LEE SUNG KEE, 49 KING STREET. TINSMITH. axd DEALER IN GLASSware, Crockery, Goal-Oil Stoves, Water Pots—Plnmbing in All Its Branches Faithfnlly Eiecnte<l. jrlS-ly Y. LUM SIXG, » Dealer in Frnits and Groceries. Fresh Frmts by Everv California Steamer, Eresb Isfand Butter from Hawaii. 135 Fort Street. Coflfee Roasted. P O. Box 169 Fresh Island Produce,’ Goods ■ Delivered to Any Part of the City, jy21 m:\ kee, TINSM1TH axd DEALER IX TINWARE. Piping Laid and Repaired. All Orders Promptly Attended to. Charges Very Moderate. C«I1 and See Us. No. 222 Maunakea St., I Uonolulu. jy'20 lm « ITOHA>V’ |HPOBTER and DEALER IX OENEKAL I Mcrch*ndue, Exd«xivelv o( Jap*s«6 Mannfactnre—WHOL£SVLE ± RETAIL 3Hud3K Fort Street. P.O.Boxll« Mutnal Tele. 592. jy!8 3 \ liEW tbe Haw’o Wmum Service L. M. Johnson, Mauager Maloal Td 59» BeQ Tei 559 OFFICE in MASONIC BITLDING We are prep*red to furnUh nniiormed nse» KB2en it aU boorj, Promptne»a and satiateetk>n enannteed. You nng a» ap »oJ we will du tbe re»l. Hoarty rate» 40 ceot». For di»Unce r»tea •ee XtMogm Jt»p. )r5