Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

DAI NII'I’ON' Hotel Stret [A.riington Bl-<k] Tbe «bore 8tnw h*s wnwl sootber Lup lnroioe ol t! APANE5E 3lLK. f ANCY Qoods, Pcr S. S. “China.” BEAUTIFUL S!LK AND CRAPE. Dr»w Go<xl» In »11 *-b*Ae, pUin and f;jmred. ( v n«bions T*We ('orer«, Ued CoTer*, Go*m, ehemuee, Sb*wl». Silk Crape Kainkiw Si!ks, All Colom Faa ej Drap^ri««, EMBBOIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS DoiIlies, Scarfs, Sa<.bos, •laekeu, Etc., Etc. XOVELTIES: I’he Phce«of tbese (too is will oalouUh j'ou inclnding ELEOANĪ SILK KIM0NŪS! Handaome Cignrette Cases, l’in Cnnhions, Silk Tea Coaaie«, LiRlīK AM» SM1LL JAPASESE Ul«S 8ilk Umhiella», ligbt but strong; Cbair 8addle«, Silk; Bamboo lilinōn, fitfed witb pulleys; Silk Laiup 8badeft, new style. ,IAr.%NE.ftK HCKKENS, From «3 Cp. LAKUE JAPiNE.SE HBKELLAS l\W Cau U‘ 8et witb Pole tn tbe groand, nioe for l’ienie» or Luncbes ont of doors, lbcy ean be opene»! out or used na a tcnt. COTTON CRAPES !N (!I!KAT VARTETY Re«j>ectfully Invited. Mas. J.r.P. Cai.saco, Arojrietr»?8S. Aprl2-3ma JUST ARRIVED. q 5 5 BABY • CARR)AGES OF ALL STYLES, \n IN THE LATEST PATTEKX8. “•HOU S E H 0 L D SEWING MACHINES Haxd Sewino Maohin», &T AU Wilh the Lateat IrcproremenU PAHLOK Orarans, Guitars And Otber Mnneal Iustrnmeola Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAI8 ON HAXD. AXD FOK 8ALE BI ED. flOrrSCHUEGER l 00. King St« oppo. C*atie k Oooke’a TO LCTor LEAHE. Ahouae on Kiug 8treet next toT. K Walke»*a panaūae ooaUinine paripr, dining moa and thm bedroo«M, bea«dee lutcUn Uuhmom atabkw aad aU modern eoeeeoienote—4aUly »«ocp*ad by Mr. Boabrc. Rent anpōaiwie t:> naponaihU party. AAdnaa jyl« ABBASAM FERXAKDEZ.