Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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EXECUTOR'S S*LE! I*m instracted br Mr»as. Braoe Cartwrigfat *z*i H. E. Melnnne. Esecat>rs <4 ■ the E»utr of tbe l*te Dr Troa*se*o. to «II >t Pabiic Aaeūon, at bjt S*l«nx>sns. Wednesda), Augu*tf H AT 10 OtXOCK A. M.. The Whole of the Stoek of Dn£s.. Mstees- Snrglcal Isstnnefits And a Large Variety of Groceries and Frovisions / Consi»ting of Meat». ?oaltrr. V<rget*bles FreiU, Cfa*n2pogne, Wine«, etc., bek>nging to s*i-l F*Ute. l%TTh« attentk>Q of epieawa i# ealknl to Ihe *bovo tiae stook ol rr>vU.ons Ksported espeeuirf by the 1*1« doctor for nts cf»n Uae, Lewis J. Levey, *ag6 ACCTIONEER. Removal ! & Cq s HAVE M0VED TO Morgan’s - Auctlon - Rooms for a sliort Ume. We are»till selling Departure Bay C0AL CHARC0AL. ALGER0BA and KINDLING W00D in any qnantity. Botb TeIephones 4H auC ■—■ ■ - ■ J. H. TRUSCHLER, Boot & Shoemaker. lll Fort Slreet. Repairin". neatly Done, half sole and heel with peg3, $100. Hall sole and heel sewing §1.50. an7 WANTED. Threo bright Hawaiian Girk to sell the famons VIAVI REMEDT. Apply at the office of thc Vi»4-i Reraedy on King Street. aug6 F0R SALE ” RENT. 1 Piano, 1 Orgtn and Sewing Maehine inquire of 51. P. BCRUE>S. Beretania Street. loV eJ Q Y & eo. Wiqe \ Liqnūi t Eealei? 19 Nuuanu Street We would eall your attention to Our Special Brands Longlife \ Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in casks or bott'ee Plonccr Shirt Factory ESTABLISFIED A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, 5IS Fort 3t., (Dp»Uir»> Hooolala, Good Flt.

— Corner of — HOIEL i HUUANU St3. Silk aad Crep€a, Embroidered Hadkerchiefe, \Vindow CarUins t Straw Hats, Eao»», Lmuma, Bastets. all s >rt8; 'Oiahe?, Te* and Breakfast Seta, Tray«, FIo«er Po*.s, S;ik B dquj!ts, Bamboo Screec8, N'eek-liea, Siik and Crepe Shirt8, Japauese Toya. Japanese Provisi'oos by the wholemUk. AUAAAA U- W,