Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 August 1894 — At Auction. [ARTICLE]

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At Auction.

To-morrow L. J. Levey et his sales-room will sell a large assorimeut of raeJicĪDe and medical iustrament3 belonging to tbe estate of the late Geo. Trousseau. Amoog the ĪDStraments are severai new and all are of the best qualitv. By tbe last mail a package arrived’ from France ordeml previons io tbe doctor's death containing a lot of the famous Browu-Sequard’s life elixir. The eflect of that remedy i is said to wonderfol. Among ! other items are mentioned a typei writer in good condition, an elee- | lric battery etc. ©tc. There is also a splendid assortment of French canned goods and every gounnand should be present and secure some of the deiicate j things. A goqd aasortment of fina Pienoh winea viU al*o be ' ofifered.

| fjtT~ If Yocr Hoa«t or Doo is sick secsl tbem at on°« to 205 King Street. Tbe onlv T eterinarv Ir.firmary in the Bepnblic fully eqoipped with modern ap-1 pliarces aud s<illfuil alteadants. augl-lm