Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 August 1894 — AFTER THE BALL. [ARTICLE]

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The Masquerade Prize Winners. The long - advertised mas- : querade ball uuder tho auspic«>s of tho, Amenean League boo«me a surety last eveniug by-its occurrence at the clrill shed ot! Palaee !i\ alk. There was a large anel very orderly galhering of peoplo present and the merry maskers danced round and square dances to tbe music of tho “only r Berger’s band. ’ The graud marcb was started proraptly *.■ 8;30 o’oloek, and gave the many spoctators ample opportunity to view tbe beauty and grotesqueness of the costumes of tbe participators in tbo masi querade. Tbe marcb was eontinued for about balf-an-hour wben tbe various couples broke ranks and merged from tbe stately ponderance of tbe marcb step into tbe light and fleeting fantasies of the dance. Tbe dances followed in very quick succeision I until tbe unmaskiug at 11 p. m. when tbe bappy masqueraders had opportunity to learn “wbo was wbo.’’ The judges consistiug of Messrs. Fisher, Kidwell, Hall, Ables, Martin, and Wilder (J. K.) awarded prizes as follows: . 1. Moat original ’female costamo, Miss Ella Bauniug. 2. Best femaie cbaracter costume, Miss Lemoine. 3. Handsomest cos- . tume, Mrs. F. Nieoll. 4. Beat gentleman dancer, Bufus Wil- { lard. 5. Best lady dancer, Miss A. B. Greenwald. 6. Best ori- - giual malo costume, W. B. Ash. i 7. Best male character costume, A. W. Keeeh. 8. Seoond best } female character costume, Miss Mary Dower. 9. ‘ Hard times costume, Jay. 0. Preston 10. “Hard times,’’ lady, . 11. r Second bcst male character. H. s Klemme. 12. Second bost lady | dancer. Mrs. James Weleh. 13. . Assumed female costume. Ram- . »ey.