Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 August 1894 — HAWAII’S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]

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COXSTITl'TIOX and LAWS Framod bv tho Missioiiaries. LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 1. If a man s money fall in the street. or in any other plaee, and is lost, it is well fer tho owner of the property to proclaim it, or pnblish it in writing, or mako it so pnblic that it may be exteusively kuown that he has lost his property. If the property should bo of mneh valne it wonhl be well to pnblish it in tho uewspaper, if thero bo one printcd. 2. If it be proclaimed that tho property is Iost. or mado puhlie so that the people extonsively hear of it, and ouo find the lost property and eoneeal it withont making it known, he violates this law, aud when hiscouduct is knowu, he shall pay the owuer of tho property au amonnt equal iu valne to the propertv whieh ho fonnd. lf he fonnd a dollar, he shall pay another doIIar besides the originaI. whieh shall be restored. One half of tho fino shall go to tho gorernment, bat nono of tho principal. 3. If eno finds lost property he onght to restore it as soon as he learns whose it is. And if he do not kuow tho owuer of tho proporty. mako proclamation, and toll it abroad that men may extonsively hear it. If auy one does liko this, then the owner of the property shall rowar(.l| him according to the amonnt restored. If their opinion$ are unliko and do not ngree, then the judges shall decido betweeu them, but the reward shall not exceod one third of the property restorod, and shall bo loss if tho judges consider it proper. 4. 1£ a eanoe go to sea and swamp, and is deserted, and afterward ono find it, ho shall bo rewardod ns abovo and tbo oiiinA rftstored. But if ho obtainod it with diffiouIty the reward may be greater, iu the discretion of the judges. 5. If one seo another s beast straying away, or destroying auotber’s food, it shall bo his duty to restoro tho boast or confine hiin and iuform tho owncr. aud he shall pay tho man who rostored him, the full amount of his Iabor. 6. If any property drift on shore the owner not being knowu, as timber, fish or any othor proporty, if it bo very valuable, one half sball belong to tho Kiug and tbo other half to him who obtaiued it, but not so if it bo of littlo valne. If this law bo proclaimed in any village or district, then tho day of its proclamation shall be tho day of its taking eftoct in that plaee, but even if it bo not proclaimod it shall uevertheless tako effect on the first day of Septembor of the t present year at all places on these Hawaiian Islands. All the words of this law having been approved by the Nobles and Kepresentative Body, we havo horennto set onr names on this sevent«enth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thonsand eight hundred and forty-ono, at Lahaina, Maui. (+>igned) KAMEHAMEHA III. KEKAULUOHI. CHAPTER XN. LAW RESPECTING PROPERTY 1N TRL*ST. Men as they live and labor together often commit propertv to eaeh other’s care. Somo men too obtain thoir living and their wealth by taking care of the property of olhers. laaamneh as there is a Iarge amonnt of proporty commilted i to the cbarge of others, tbat property sbonld be protected by the laws of the Kingdom, thereforo in a eonneil of the 1 * Nobles and Representative Body | tho following law was approved: 1. If one man c >mmits his property to the charge of ani ther, and he receivo it, fae sball tako care of it according to their mutnal agreement bnt if there weie no agreement> he shall take care of it according to the cuatom of all faithful persons. And the owner of the property shall pay him according to their mulnal agreement, or if they did not agree, be shall pay according to the eommon custom of good bnsiness. 2. If one take the property of another in cbarge and do not take care of it according to »greement, be shall tben pay all damage sustained by the owaer of the property. And even if they did not agree be shall do as specified above. This law applies to all kinds of property, to iand, eanoea, aoimaU, and property of every kind. 3. If one man borrow tools of another, or cattle, or a ! horse, or any thing else, and agree to retorn them when a particular speeificd work is done, tfien they sball do &s they agreed. But if the tooI or animal were injurad in tbe bands of the borrower, he sball pay all the damage sustained by the owner of the property. If any one boirow any tooI or any auiele of anotber and do not retaru it at the specified time, or at tbe proper time for ieturning it, and on that accouut the owner sotfer loss, then he who retains the property, or does not take proper care of it. sbali pay all the dumago sustaiaed by the owuer. (To Bt Continued.)