Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 ʻAukake 1894 — OBTAINING A JURY. [ARTICLE]
Mamy 0«od Citixexu Object to the OathThe sceoe whieh ptesented itself in th« Sopreme Court yesterdar moru.ū%, before Jodge Whiting ami coacooree of spectatore inthefatile atiempt to obtain a jury of Hawaiian» fdr the tria! of cases now ou tbe caiencUr. was re-enacted this moraing in tbe attempted 3wearing iu of foreigners repregentative cf the “advanced civilizatiou’' .so often spoken of of late. TLe resolt of tha trial to obtain s p:.nel does not iu any wav reliect discreditably npon the Hawaiiana who declined to take the oath, as the same conrse was taken by inany of their white bretbren. Following are tbe names of tbose who did qnalify, by taking tle oath, those whodeclined and tLjse excnsecl, viz; Qualified %j taking oaiL; W. H. Wilkinson. Jerermiab Vaaderbilt Simons >n, J. T, Waterhouse Jr., H. J. Nolte, C. M. Cooke, Jobn Lucas, J. C. Cluney, P. Isenberg Jr., William Mutch, Fred Lewie. H. Gr.m, Frank Hustace, TV C King aml J. McChesney,- Tolal 1-4. Declined to take oath: Fred i Whitney, Carl Mett, W. G. Irwin, j George Bruns, J. Scott, W. F. Love, H. Congdon, Capt. A. N, Tripp, J. Angus, Ed. Hopkina, J. M. Dowsett, J. Hatfield, E. Van Dorn, George Harris Jr. Total 1L Excused for p!iysioalIy disabi- i lity. J. B. Atbertou, W. Melueroy.