Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 August 1894 — The Mannerchor Harmony. [ARTICLE]

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The Mannerchor Harmony.

Tbis society of i'eople who are banded togetber for tbe pnrpose o( cnltivating and |>erfecting tbemselves in musical studies, esjjecially in tho line of vocal<zation of songs dear to tbe bearts of all who reinember“Faderland, will bold one of tbeir regnlar meetings tomorrow evening in tbe spacioos and comfortable parlors of tbe Pacific Hotel. Tbe members of the society are indefatigable iu tbeir attompts. duriug practioe bour8. to socond tbe efforts o( tbeir very able toacher, one well kuown in mnsioal circles in Honolulu, and tbe results already produced rcflect very creditably npou tbe abilily of tbe teacber aud ihe attention and bonesty o( tbe members of tbe Monnan'Kni' WimiOIW.