Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 August 1894 — WHAT MICHT HAVE BEEN. [ARTICLE]

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AnotherGoldenOpportunity Lost Forever. The iDascjuerade givon by the ! alloged “Araerican” Leagne last J night, ofleto»l oj)j>ortunitieK to aoiue ot our bi-wigs, t>olitical and olheiwiae, to disting'iish Ihem8elves, and auiuse the j>ublic, by assuming for tho uonee, charactors in whieh they are supj>osedly anxious to shine. but do not, for laek of aome one or more of tho essontial eloraeuts thore of. Thns, how atnusing, aud j>ossibly instiactive, it niight havo proven, had tho goutleiuen named gone to the Ball disguised in the following characters:— l»octor Albcrt Francis —as lluiuility or, as auti-Josuit. Mr. Dole—as a Stutesraan. Mr. Willis -as u Nervey Dip- j lomat. Mr. Sido Show Thurston-as oue who loves the Truth. Mr. Bickerton. as La wyer8. Mr. Irear i Sweet Sereno--as a Kespectei ■ of tho NinoUi Coraiuandmont. Tho Editor of the Star—as Veracity, or. as Sobriety, The Prosident of tho Loaguo—as uu American. Mr. Daraon—as an l T uprofitable Sraile. The Collector General—aa a Mau of Sense. Mr. Carter —as a Mealel Guardian. Mr. Boss MoStockcr —as a Disinterested Politician. The Editor of the Advertiser—as an Anuexationist. Members of the Lute Constitutional Convention- as Mon of Brains. ag Gent MrGirvm \ who eau Support tberaselves, without a Goveruraent Subsidy. Holy Willio—as a Christian Politician, oj>j>osc*d to Boodle.