Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CiTY DRAYAGE CO. Quren »nd Fort Str«Ui. White *n<l BI»ck Sand. Drajing Dooe at Rea»mable Kttee. w r. 3HaRRETT. Kmm b* MACHINE MADE -53 POII FACTOBY, : : KALlHl. T*n> Plante, Pnah Tops and R*w Taro at all times. Ring Up Muiuai Telephone 577. Bell 345. W. L. WILCOX, jy25 M»n»ger. rin<; i*p mctu.%l tele jk NIEPER'S 6aggage Express. 25> Port St.. Honolala, IL I. Baggjge and Furniture Garefully Handied and Delivered »t >hcrt Xotice to AIl ParL» of the City. Stand on Cor. of Fort A Queen Sts. i T. B. Murray I.«i \et to be FoiiiiiI On the Olil .Stan«l. \o. I I King Ilu**inoss .»«* CARRIAGE AND m: D il (ioes On. When the “PEOPLES’ PARTY gets snias]icd he will be ready to REPAIR. PAINT AND TRIM IT At a Keasonable Figure. — No Extra Cbarge for Fnrnishing them witb Cominon Honse. LET THE.M RIXO UP MUIUAL TELEPHONE 572. jr.‘l Om City - Carriage M'F’Q. Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BEflT, Blacksmith Work A.VD Carriage Repairing PAINTING :AND : TRIMMING In ail its Braocbes, at Bed Rock Prices. Muiual TeIephone 382 WĒT~ Give as a Call andjudge for yourself. jy23 CRITERION SAL00N, Wciland*Extra*Pak Lager Beer _2 Schoon?rs for 25 Cts. jyl4 L. H. DEE, Prop r Femandes k 6omes WUOLESALE Californ!a Winea and Spir!ts, No. 502 Fort St.. Houolulu, H. I. P. O. Box 436. Muiual T»!e. 140.