Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 182, 7 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Progranune ol BICVCLE MEKT To be Hetd On Saturday, Aug. 11th KAPIOLAM PAKK, 2:30 r v. sharp 1— SiiV Dvb, open: Gokt MeiUl. 2— Hilf Miie Duh. nom: Sfl»fr MeO-al. ■ 3— One Qaaner Miie Dish, opea; Sdrer M«UL 4— One Hilf Mile IHeh. bor* untfer 15 ▼rirs; Silr-r VtrrUl'; tirst und «s»nd. 5— Ooe H*ir MiV D*sb. r.pen: GoU U»Ui 6— One MiW IUsh. thiee minnte d*a»; Sjlrer Me-.lii. 7 — Thsve Q’j*rter MiW Da*h, open; Goki MedaL S—One Mile Dash. norice; Silrcr Me«lal*. Eainaee Fee for R* w Sos. 1,3 *n<i .. §1.50; *11 oth«rs. entrance fl. AU Entriea to CToae ON MOJ>DAY, Ang t»th. 12 noon. *t the office of H. E. Wilker, Mervhant Stree?, Henolnln. , Genenl Adiaission, 50 ets; Gr*nd St*nd, ' «xtra, 23 cts; Qa*rter Stretoh IWlgos, §2.00 eaeh: C*rri*jKs tinside of r*ceconrse' §2.30. ; ĪJ2T United. Carriage Company, M. REIS i J.C.QUINN 290 TO TUE PVBLIC: —lf yon «re thiuklng ; about ebopping. e»lling or t*king 'm tbe . sight», up 290, wherc you ean obtaiu , a tirst-ela» carriace wiih horse» and a eivil drivcr, or if you cboose to <lrive your- : se!f, we ean accororao<latc you wilh styli»h ; Buegic*. Pbaeton», 8nrries an<l Wagonettes. We havc for livery hor'.-s the huot roaUsters in the Kepuhlie. <>ur lirery lior»es eomprise , some of thc well-kuown roadsters, such as l the Gray-cagle. \Vhite-swan. Prince Hcnry, | Al<adel)ā, Hoanoke, Lady Templcton. Store- • w hippen and others; a ehild ean drive any of [ these hors*>s, but it takes a Kansas cyclonc to i pass one ofs thcm on the road. For furthcr | particnlars, rini; up 2U0, or eall at our stand i and otHce ucxt to E. O. Hall a 8ou. jy 2t5. , ED. C ROWE. Housr Sign and Oinamenial Painter. , : Manufacture of Liquia Slatmg. 620 King Street. augl (TQJJJ3ER01H1[ UH(’K CORNEK 0F Nuuanu Knd Beretania Streets. 561 r- Both 561 G00D, RELIABLE axi. jy27 tf CI\TL DRIVERS. MLTTVAL ĪEl.. 366. P. O. Box 15*. WING WO TAI & CO. t Xo. i; Nniiin) Street, Hos*lvlc, H. I., Comm/ssion Merchants, j —Impokwik.» asd Dr.li.ers is— Generai Merchandise. Fine Manlla Cig*rs. Chincse and Japancse Crockervware. Mattings, i Vascs ot all kfnds, Campborwood Tnmks, Kattan Cbalr». A Fine A?sortment of Drcss Silk», Cboice»t Br*nds of e'hineae *nd Japaocse Te*» of L*te«t lmportatW>o« ln.'i*rtion o/Ke» Goo<Uj**pt*t/nUy nliciltd. jnly6. Chas. T. Ouliek' N0TARY PUBLIC For tho Island of Oahn. Agent to Take Acknovrle«lgments to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolula, Oaho. Agent for the Haw’n Islands of Prrr <t Scorr’8 Freight and Parcels £xpress. Agent for the Borliogton Koute Hsal Estate Br 3 ter aii8eaeral k Q \\ Bell Tel. 338; Mnt. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. OFFlCE: No. 33 MERCHA NT Street Hnnolnlu H *. — ] F()H SALE. Oue M rqaee Tent. new; Sizo 16x32 feet; 6 feet Wali; 13 feet Roof 8 oz. Dnck; Polea, Pins, Ring Rsfter, etc. Inquire at the HOLOMUA OFFICE.