Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 ʻAukake 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
Jol>‘24 1894. In‘ PotlilenbeaJ N\'il.son ’s I’hilosopby Mark Twains: “P;it «11 of yoor eggs in one basket — aml watch tbat basket Kgg» are not tbe only tbings to wliieh tbis appliea, we ean make it nt stoves aml cbange eggs into do!lars and make it read—lnvest yoor eoin in a Pansy Stove—and tbe stove wiil watcb itself. We bave been watcbing rbese stoves for tbe pjst five years. and fiud tbem tbe best iron stove solJ in tbis market for tbe money, M bere else than at oar store ean you get a stovo tbat will do oveiytbing tbat a $50 »tove will doand get it for £15? Ecbo answers, ‘tbe plaee isn’t bnilt.’ We bave soki bundreds of tbese stoves in Houolulu, an<l never had a eomplaint. Two weeks ago, we sold one to a gentlemun on Hawaii, and yesterday be ordered auotber for a friend. Tbe stove sells itself tbrougb it.s fuel saving qualities. aud because, it is a good baker. You ean get other stvles of stoves if you are uot particular as to the quantity of fuel you barn or how yonr food is cooked. There’s no dys - pepsia iu meals prepared on a PANSY.
We received Iast week a lot of wire clothes-liaes that hoKl washed clothes without using pins. It is a sort of double wire arrangemeut and the pieces are held in between; the burder the wind blows the lighterthe pieces are held to the line. There is abso!utely no danger of the clothing being torn as there is nothing sharp about the iiuo. While the cost is a trifle greater thau rope, this new style will last so mueh longer that it is eeonomieal to buy the pinless liue.
The CLAUSS is one_of the new fangled S3W-edge knivesthat cuts warm bread without leaving it heavy and iced eake without making crumbs There are two or three d tferent makes of these knives, all on the same principle and eaeh one prononnced the best on earth by the mauufacturers. We seleeted the Clauss, whieh wo believe as a disinterested spectator to be better thau its neighbors. You never had anything in your life that give as mneh satisfaction for a dollui. lf you were buying the otber sort you would get only one.
The favorite sewing maehine in any community is the oee that does the most for the le »st mouey and whieh runs the easiest. In the “Wertheim” you haye a maehine that sews three distiuct stitches—The Loek, Ohain aud Embroidery and runs easier than any otber maehine, and you pay twenty dollars less for it Eeonomy stands bold!y every side when you buy a Wertbeim. In tucking the ehain stitch is preferable, bnt in other kinds of work, the loek stitch is tbe best. If you buy a maehine that sews the loek, unless it is a Wertheim, it woa't gew a ehain stitcb. There’s no particular savipg in bnying a maehine with but one *titch, the Wertheira does three and saves you lots of tronbie and work.
\\Vve just unp&okeJ six oa»ss of stund lampsthat were built for hard times. They have melal bases and are decorated so &s to make a very neat appearance in a room. We don‘t think you ean get as good a lamp anywhere else : for the money, trr as hard asyou please. Oor stock of table cotlery, $poons aod fox'i8 is as Iarge as you will fiod in any store in San Frauoisco, and our pjices eompaie i favorablv with tboae iu >»ew York. [ ~ : r v v Tb Hanīia laiiwe Ct 307 Fori Sowt