Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 ʻAukake 1894 — LADIE'S COLUMN. [ARTICLE]
You have all been reading this ! Colamu for some time and expectinp something to drop—well here goes for a little flyer as we say in Mercantile Parlance. We have a counter devoted to Wash Dress Goods this week. they are worth iooking at, and at the same time making a guess on their Value. Remeuiber yeu need not bur thera unless you want to—but you ean eall and guess on their —and the Lady guessing the nearest to the retail valuo of these Goods ean havo her piek of a Dress Pattern for nothing, those that are not good guessors won’t make a very bad mistake, if they buy the goods outrigbt at our figures. So eome in and make your guess, the pools close Saturday—tbe wtnner gets her Dreos, Monday, August 13th.
Tbere is notbing tbe matter • with Scotcb Dimity whea you enn get 6 yards for |1 or Toile du Nord for cbildren's Scbool Dreases or Ladics Dresses at 8 yards for II. Remember these goods improveeTen time tbey «re washed. Sometbing new in Amenean, £ng!isb and French Percale for : Sbirt Waists and Dresaes —these ! Goods are tbe finest ever shown here and make up love!y. 32 ineh wide Cotton Duck at 15 ceuts a yard is anotber thing : you ean make no mistak« i& —all | Fast Colors—we bave an elegaut line of Linen Duck. " Now don’t forget io oome in and guesa on tbose Wash Dress Goods. We bave aometbmg for Uie Seoond Best Guesser but we wou’t menlion it «.|T EHLER8.