Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 August 1894 — Told In Whispers. [ARTICLE]
Told In Whispers.
We havo receired a copy of Leigli Irvine’s latest book. from Ihe Hawniian Corapanv. The «uthor visited these islands a few mouths ago, and made hiinself popu!ar aiul promioent araong the people, with whom his duties as special corrcspondent to the .Ne 1 ork Heruld, bronghthira in contact- “Told in Whispers” should be read, aml then. it will be appreciated. Irvine put the finishing tonch to his work in these islands, and dates his book from “Halley*mow mow” (as he prouounces our vulcano.) The buok. we believe is worth reading. Tho print, at least is very giHxl. Tbe nuthor ciaims tbat his | 8tory is shocking and sharoefu), I aud that he w«s ob!iged tu leave America after the appeamnee of Lis work. We fully believe his last statemeut while we are unable to nnderstand tbe alleged . offer of the President of the United ! States. to offer a rewanl for the 1 capture of the author. Wh«t j tbe deuce Cleveland shou)d do | witb tbe man who wrote ‘Told in | whispers’ is beyond onr comprebension. He might, thuugb, ; have put him iu the Senate aod . made him ehainuau of tbe sugar-; committee.
Tbe book, bowever, is wortb teading, aud most of our girls ean do it witboot getting mucb worse. For sale at the Hawaiian News Company. l>ouud in ml it looks like a guide-book and ean be iaken bome witbout snspieiou. —