Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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OCEANIC SteamsliipCo Time Table. LOCAL LIXH S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu Honolulu from S, F, for S, F, Aug. 11 Joly 21. Sept. 8 Aug. 18. Oct. G Sept. 15. Nov 3 OeL 13 Dec. 1 Nov. 13. Dec. 8. Th.rouech. I-'ine» Frora Sau Fran. for Sydnev. Arrive Honolulu Monowai Aug 2 Alameda Ang 30 Mariposa Sep 27 Monowan Oct 25 From Syduey for San Fraucisco. Leave Honolulu. Alameda July 26 Mariposa Ang 23 M'>nowai Sept 20 Alameda Oct 18

PACIFIC 8AL00N, Corner King and 'Nuaann Streets. EDW. WOLTEK Manager. The Finest selection of LIQUOES’and RF.FR, sold anywhere in the town. First-class attendence. Call and jndge for yourself. no 80-tf. TjlE MlD-ūdEAri POOL and BILLURD PAHLOK9 H. JUEN Proprietor Hotel gtre»H near Nuuanu. jj6 CHAS. GIRDL£R, Importer aud Commission Merchant SPEClALTm»i J. & P. CoaU’ Maehine Thread Janas Brooks Maehine Thread Barbonr’s Linen Thread Pears’ Ek»p P. O. Boi 358. Mutnal Telepbone 358 13 Kaahnmann Street. B. BEKGERSEN. General .Urn»t for .SING-ER SEWING MAOHINE COMPT. Ali KinJs of Net*dles for S«le *nd Bepairing Done. Damon’s Block. Hetbel Street, Honolalu. P. O. Box 440, jy*21