Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BRUCE CARTWRICHT —■ Buaioe«s of a Fidnd»ry Txaas»eted. Prompt »tiention pT«n to th« m*a»genient of G iArduoship«, Tnut*. etc.. *tc., etc. Ojfic*s, : Ca.iicnghi Building, Merchant Street, Honoluln - , H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee i Roasters AXD Provision Merchants 9S Fort Street, Honolnla
Families, Plautations anel Ships supplied with choicest Kuropcan <i' A merican Groccriej California Prodnce by Evety Steamer. Mercliant Iilxchan"e Corner King ana Nnnanu Street8. S. I. SHA\V... .Proprietor. The Fine8t selection of LIQUORS and BEER. sold anywhere in the town. Firet-class attendance. Call and jndge foryonrseIf. no 113—tf.
' LEWIS & C0. Whoiesaie and Retail Gro AND PKOVJLSION DEALEBS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By £rery 8an Pianeiaoo Stcomer Salt Salmon i>’ Babbels a Spectaltt. iii Forl S/., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P O. Box 297. CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block. JOBBERS OF WINES, and SPIRITS KENOLUN, PH0T0GRARHER, Nuuanu and Pauahi Streets>. Cabinets, 13.50 Per Dozen, “ 2.00 Per 1-2 Dozen, 8x10 $5.50 Per Dozen, “ 3,50 Per 1-2 Doaen. Dry Goods and Chinese Silks. flationaI lfon Wop^ QC£EX Street, Between Alakea & Bichard Sts. I -■ l7 TIIE UNDEESIGKED »-e prq*red to I make idl kinds ol lron Bnas, Broaje, Ziac, Tin «md Lead C*»ting*. Also Oeneial Eep»ir Sbop for Steam Knginm, HioeiliUa, Corn MOl*. W«ter WbeeU, Wind MilU, <tc. lUehinm *or Um Qeaiiiag oi (in*», Caatar Oūa. Bcans, Kamia. 8ūal, Pineapple Laatrac A other Ftbnwu Plaats, And P«per Stock Ai*o Maehinaa (or Extr»ctiag Stareh from | the Manioe, Am>v Boot, ete. £y Ail Ordet» p«omptiy »ttood»d 10. i WHITE, RXTMAN A CO.