Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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THS HAWAIIAH REPUBLIC. OFFICTAL LIST OF MEM BERS AND LOCATION OF BCREACS. Es rc i-rrm Ooeaen.. 5. B. Do>. PnmMenl o i Prortdor.«! Oo»ern m#nt of <he KaoeUan IsUnd*. and MinU:er of Foreira Aifair». I. A. Kla|t. Miniawr *>f the 5nt. rlor. M. Darc.ni. Mlni»ter of Flitanre. w. O. SiaiUi. AttorneT O*oeraI. AlivtaO»T Coorru 'V. e'. WiMer. Vloe Pre*l<Jent ol the ProTtsIona; Ooeemmea: oX the HawaiUn !siar.d>. C. Bo»te. cVei! Brown. John Sott, John Kna. James F. Morx*n Ed. 8 >hr. Joe. P. Mendonea. T. R.>d$en. Oonnei!* John Emioe’.nih. S. T>. Tenner. W. F. Al’ien, Henry Waterhoese, A. Yooo», F. M. Haten. 5eereUry Er a d AJr Stprkmi Cocbt. Hon. A. F. Jn<ld. Chlef Icrtlee. Hon. R, F. Biekerton. Fir»t Aaaoelale Jn«t!ee. Hon. W. F. Frear. Seeor..l As*oeute jQ*tice. Henrr āmllh, Chlef C!erk. Oeo. Luo s, Deputy Clerk. C. F. Peterron.see>ind !Vputy Clerk, J. Waller Jonea. Steao*r*pher. Cibctit Jcdgbs. Fint Circnlt: }££ £^ r n *’{ Oahn >*'e-«nd Clmilt (Maal) A. S. Kepolkal. Thud *nd Fourth Clreuil»: (H«waa) >. U Aa«tln Fi(th Circnlt; (KauaO J. HarJr. O!0ces and Conrt room in Court Houie, Kine (■treet. SttUng In Hono’.uln—The flr*t Mooday In Kebruary. May, Augn»t and eember. I*KrARTV ENT 0» FoBB105< Ar»»l»A O(floe ln CapltoI HulUUn*. K!nf *treet. HU Excelleney r«nforl B. Dole, Mlnuter ot Forelfn ASalrs. Geo. C. Potter. Seercury. W. Hor»oe Wnght, Uouel Uart. ClerkA D«ra«T*B5ero» I.muonOOoe In EioeulUe Huioilne, King *treet. Hl» Eieellenee J. A. Kln». M!nlster of Iuterlor. Chle( CIer«, John A. Haa* n«er. Assisla.it Clerk»; J«me« H. Boyd. M. K. Keohokalole. »tepben Mahaulu, Oeorge C. Koe» Edw«rd d. Boyd. SCBXaC 0» AGB1CCLTCBB a5D Fob«»t«t. Pre*ldent; HU Eieellenee the MlnUtcr of Interlor. Wm. Q lrwln. Allan Herbert, John Ku*. Ji*eph Marsdcn, CommU«louer and āeereury. Chīk»b o» Bc««acs. U«TK»10« D«»a«TMKI*T ; surveyor-U«ner«I. W. U. Alex*noer. Supt. Vubl e Wor«», W. E. Kowela ; Supt. W»tcr Work», An>lrew Brown. . ln»pector. E!eetric LlghU, iohn Ca*aldy. R«sHt»tr*r of C>uTerauce», T. O, Tbrum. Ro«d āaperrl»or. II .nulum, W. H. Cumming* Chle( Englneer Flre l>ept., J«*. H. Hunt. āupt. In»aue A»ylum, Dr. A. JtcWayne.

l»«p*imiEST o? FiSi»c«. 0(8ce, EieouUve Buildln#. Klng street. Mlni*ter of Fln*nce, HU Excellency 8 M L»mon. Audltor Oeneml, George J. Ho». RegUtr«r ol AoeeunM, W. G. A»hley. Clerk ol Elnauee l>t»ce. E. A. Mclnemy. Coliector 'ienerai oI Cu»tom, J«* B. C«»tle. Tax Ane<aor, <>*hu, Jima. Sh»w. Ueputy Tax A»»e*»or. 'V. C. Wee«Jon. F J atn.ā»ter-Oener«l, J. Mort Oat, Oenona buaa»c. Offlee, Cu»tom Houae. R»planade, Fort »tr?et Couertor-Oenera!. Jaa B. Ca»tle. Deput y-Col.ee loi- F. B. Mc«oeker. H»rborma»ter, Captaln A. Full*r. Fort Surreyor, M. k 3anders. otorekeeper, George C. Slrmtemeyer. lDkf»rr«tST O? ATTOKnrr-Gk»«kaU Office In Executtre 3ulMln*. Cm* itreet Attomer-General. W. O. 9mltn t»eputy Altomcy.Ueoeral, G. K. Wllder rlcrk. J. M. Kea. Mar*:.a . E. G. Hitchcoek. CWrk to Manhai, H. M. Dow. L>epulT Manhal, Arthur M. Bn>wu. Jallor Oahu Prl»on. J, A. low. Prt»on Pbyrclan, Dr. C. B. Cooper. Boams or Imeuno». PmMent, HU Ekeellene» A. Kln». Meraber of the Board ot ImmMnUM: Hon. J. B. Atherton. Ja*. B. Oaalle. Hon. A. B. CW*taom, lamei G. Speneer Mark F KoMnaon. 3eeretary, Wmy Taylor.

BOAKO 0T H«AiTK. Officc In of Conrt Hoom BalMlnj eornerof MUlianl *ad Qa«en HmU. Meinbm: Dr. D«T. Dr.Mlner, Dr. Andr«ws. J. T. W*ier!wuie Jr., JoftD Esa, Tbeo. T. Luain« *od Atlora*T-<j«Bersi nmiUi. Pmid«nt— Hon. W. O Beeret*ry—Ch«fc Wiko*. Execi3ttT« Offit*r—C. B. Reyno’M*. Iupector *.'! M*Bafero< Oarb*fe L, L U Plene. Iosp«ctot—O. W. C. Joeea. Port Phrriel*n, Dr.O. B. Aadrew», Di<]ituttT, Dr. H. W. How*rd. Leper detti«Bcdt, Dr. K. K. OUrer. Boakc or Edccattok. Coort Hoiue Hoj>trect' PreslrVnt, Hon. C K- Bl*bop Seeret*rr, W. J*me* dmUD. ta»pecfc.r of liehoolp. A. T. AUineon. I Dut*ict.Cock4 *■ • PoUee 3Utioa Bolldia*, Hereh*nt «re*t Boberttoa, He(Utr*t*. I Ja8mb k Ihompeon, Ckr>