Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
GfONSAlVES AOnn S »p* po HhkI i of tbe Vrrx Best Pionw8oap InCa«*<rf«X.«i-», « »ad T® B*« «*th: | THIS s< 'AP I? THF | Fisest Iaported Here. SPEC!AL PRICES FOR 5 CA?ES IN LOTS
J\>. AISSLEV' i cok Celebrated Brands of SCOTCH WH1SREY Santf{y: BEX ALDOCHLA.\. * Ainsleys jOLD Blended Glenlivet GLE ,N10N Extrn. Special 6LENLI0N SPECIAL LIOUEUK SCOTCH WHISKEY. jj33 POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. Xotice is hereby given to all person> that there are at the Cioverntnent Pound at Makiki, fonr strayed horses, 1 poor red horse, white spots on the forehcad, baok aml on the lell side; brand AF queer brand on left hip: two hind fetlocks whitc; 2 front hoofsshod; one black mare. white spot on forehead and back; brnnd, a heart; brand on left hip not distinct; sore back; one bay mare. white forehead; brand 2XMj; brands on left and right hii» iudistinct; one bay hone, fore fetlock white; brand on right hip M 'i; brand on left not plain. All tiersons owning same are rednested to take the same on or before 12 o’eloek noon SATURDAV, AUQ. 4 1894. JAMES KUKONA, Ponnd Master. Makiki, July 2L 1894. jyt2l-<lt
P. O. Box 209. 405 Nuuanu St. S. YASUM0RI, MERCHANT TAILOR. Dealer in Japanese Goods, Iioots and Shoes of Japanese make; Cheap for Cash, New Goods by| Every Steamer. jy 23 LEE SI >G KEE, 49 KIXG STREET. TrSSMITH. a.nd DE.\LER IX GLASSware, Oockerr, Ooal-Oil Stoves, \\ater Pots —Plnmbing in All Its Branche« Faithfnlly Eiecnte<!. jj 18-1 J Y. LUM SIK0, Dealer in Froits and Groceries. Fresh Frmts by Every California Steamer, Eresh Isfand 13utter frora Hawaii. 135 Forl Street. Cotfee Roaste<l. P 0. Box 169 Fresb Island Produce, Goo<ls Delivered to Any Part of the City, ' jy21 hi m;\ KEE, TINSM1TH axd DEALER IX TINWARE. Piping Laid and Repaired. All 0rders Promptly Attended to. Charges Very Moderate. Call and See Db. Xo. 22*2 Maunakea St., llonolulu. jy20 Im
“ ITOHA\,” |HPORTEK asd DFALER D* GENERAL i I Merrhan'hrf, I&ehnml? of JapABeae M*nū£act=re-WHOLESVLE & KSTAXL 3M and 306 Fort Stmt. P. O. Boxll6 Tele. 392 jy!3 \ jlEW DEpiRTURE the Hawo isseo!er Semce L. M . Johxbox, Manager Mauul Tel 309 BeU Td 55» OFFICK la MASOMC BITLDING We ore prepared »o fnroi*h unitormed bm KOKen tu «U haa». Prompt»e*» aod m»1iiieiion gaw»ateed. Yoa nae iu np ud «e «iU 4o Ihe reot. Hourly ntee «0 cent». For iūUnee r»te» *ee MceMSgtn M*p. }j5 3»