Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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DA1MPPO HoU-l .Stret [Arhnu'ton Bl Tbs «bow Store h*« r«c«red ai I,arge Iltoio ot V ! APANESE Silk. f ANCY Goc / Per S. S. “China.” —oo«rumMBEAUTIFCL S!LK ANI) CH A r>re*« Gor»l« in ali j»l«in and fi Cn*hioa«, T»ble Corer% BedCoret«, <to»ns eheiiiine*, S Silk frape Kainliow S All Colon> F«ncy Dr»;«-ri«-s EMBROIDERED HARDKEECHI Doillic*-, Sc«rfs Saiibes Jarketn, Caj«, Eto., Etc. N()VELTIES: 1 lie Prii * •> *f t!n m 1 • will fi»tniiUl including ELEŪANI 8ILK KIMON H »ndaoiUt' Cignrett»‘ Case«, l’in Cushions, bilk Tea Coseiei LiKlīE AMII hMU.L JtP!SKSE I Silk Cmbrellaa, l»ght l>ut strong; Cliair SndciKs, Si!k; Ihunlmo HHu.l*. titted with pulley Silk I.atuji 8Uade«, new Btyle. .1APA N KSE St Kl;i:N>, Prom $3 L11«;E J1I’1MESE i nkkelli f Can 1« S. t with Pole lu the gi uioe for l’ion5cs or Lunches ont of thoy ean be opene.l out or used as a t <vrrn\ ( \l\VV

JUST ARRIVED, 3 3 55 BABY • CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLKS, V. } IS TI1E LATEST PATTERSS. “HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES HaND SKWIX0 MAChlNS9, g3TAU Wilh th* L*ttst Impn)TtfflJ«nts' , gf3 PAHLOK Orsrans, GKiitarc Aaii OiL«r Mnaeal Instmm«nhi \Vines, liquors, Beer ALWAVS ON HANP. AXD POB SAL£ BV ED. 90FFSCHLAEGEB l Cft Kin C st_ oppo. Cm»tk k Oooke 1 * TO LLTor LEANE. Abo«ae on King 6>treet a«t toT. B. W«lker*« pteutw couUinmg p«riox. room «nd U»*»e t»crooro», Iwm b*UirooB »Ubltst «U niod«rn enn»—Utetv oec«rp»od by Mr. H»atB)oō«rki« to mpunetbi« perty. jyl» AH&AHAM FEBKA3Q>BZ. kitcb. e