Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Benson, Snxitli & Co., The Corner DRU6 STORE Pni'e Dru#s, True Peifumes, Prompt Low Prices Comei* Fort \* aui S. LEVT, Will on AUOUST Ist Keraove frora h;s presenl on Hotel street, lo the plaee formerly oeeunieil by Bensoo, Smith ā Co., on Fort street. After I £?t seltle<l it wil! be to your advant- , age to noles the prices, et *.. that wi'.l appear in this eolumn. P. O. Box 480, Mctcal Tki.kphon k 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy NewandSecond Hand Fmitnre IS THE CORXER OF King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honolulu H. I.
Capt. Wm. Davies, Rigs:er, Stevedore and recker. ESTIMATES AND CX)KTRACTS US ALL KISDS 0F WORK. 8teamer Waiminalo will run re>rular to Waianae, Waialua antl Way Lantiing. lr.qnire at office o( J, 8. Walkm OTt*r Spreckel's lUuk. feh 1a tf.
Long Branch -BATHIMGEstablishment. Thi* First-Claas Batbing haā b±en enlarged ami is now ooen to the pub!ic. It iā the be?t plaee on the iālanelā t*i enjoy a Bath. and lhere ie no better nlaee to lay ofī. Speciai accommodation? for Ladies. Tramcarā pass the d ><>r every half hour, and on Saturdays ar:d Sundays every fifteen rninutee. Cr J. SHER\VOOD, jy“24 Proprietor.
N0T1CE T0 Visitcrs. Pieme Parties, Ims —A.M> — GEXERAL PUBLIC: At Smito> Bl» am» Liveky Stable, Ki.vi Stkeet. (Adjo:ning MelmpoIiUo Me*t M&rket.] U tbe Che»pest PUee in Tovn jrra ean get Bn«se«. Wagunetw*; Baggies and Bnddl« H r9es. It «ill p*r j>a to emli and »e« b«fore joo try elsewbere. Mutanl Telephone 408 ~?ZS, >0(1-11 New Japan AXarket, 367 }Iaurvtkfa Stnet. Fresh Meat on Ice 4 P«-»un'i 25Cls. Sc«.;cki, Manaeer. SO. 3ao KUUAMU 8TREET, hokolulu Xa,llor A 6ne a»u)rtnnent of American, English and Sc >tch Ct«>ths on h»nd g» d wnrk >nd a P1RST CI-ASS fit g»i.nntped CI> tha»e.Qc'dii ± jj71m SAlI lEE HOP, - No. 5*>2 King Street. L>ealer in C’lifornia au«i Howaiinn Froits and Yeget hles. Gaava Jeily, i Ttu and Gr>oud CorTee, Cg*rsetc.
S«TICE. F BOM THIS DATE, B. F MOFP.\CKER ig alone authorizt:-d to drav dr*ft or to give orders (or merchAadiae or snjiphen on behal( o( the Hav*uAn Comm«rcū] and Sogar Cotcpany. THK HAWAIIAN COMMERCTAL AXD BCGAB COMPANY. C. A. S?k»’KIXS, General Manager. Jyl7-2v Y0K0HAMA Corner of ■ HOTEL Si NUUANU St3. Silk aod Crepes, Embroidervd Hadkercfiiefs,! Window CurUins, Str«w HaU.Ī Fans, L*ntvms, B >sret9. all s 'rts;! 1 Dishes. Tea and Br»*akfijt Seta.! Trajs, Fio»er Pots. 8iik Bfdquilt.»,! Bamboo Screw.a, Neek t es, Silk ■ and Crepe Sbirts, J ipi.»rs« Tovs.) Japane«® ProTiskiDS bv tbe whole-' sale. jy28 MUHATA A CO. CHIX KEE. HORSESHOEING SHOP, Maunakea a Pauahi SlreeL l Kevaet*Qro"nd. $ l 30 Oid aet al| I 00 S«ti Door to No. 3 Eugme Huna».