Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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EXECUTOR'S SALE! Iib imtT3<V\i br V«srs. Braot i*rtwrigi:t tad H. E. >icIntjTe. EiK8ton oi th* Emm of tbrlnv Dr. Treas«*a, •» **& u Pnbfcc Acd»a, u aay Sttesroom*. Wfdnesdij, Au«ast 8 AT 10 CPCLOCK A. M., The Whole of the Stook of Drn£S. Imm- Haiial Instmesls AdJ i Large Vjriety of Groceries and Provisions! ConBsūag of M?ats, Po«ltry. VegeUbl» Freits. ChMEpngne. Wis»«. etc.. bek3ngiug to 6oi i Ksta{e ViTt be attcntion of picuws is called to tbe abore fine stock o l ProvMĪons itaported especiali v by ‘he late doctor for hia ora nse. Lewis J. Levey, tng6 ACCTIOSEER. Removal I Hnstace & Co. HAVE MOVED TO Morgan*s - Auction - Rooms for a »bori Umo. We are*till «ellini; Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINDLING WOOD in anr i]uautlty. Both Teiephones iU au6 F0R SĀLE ” RENT. 1 Piant>, 1 Org.in aud Sewing Maehine inquire of JS. F. B< Rtil>S. Beretania Sfreet. l.o\/eJoy &CO. WljolegaIe Wiqe \ Li^uoi 1 ūeale^ 19 Nananu Street We \vould eall your attention to Our Special Brands \Longfife <§ Pure Cream RYE WH/SKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in casksor bcttles Pionecr Shirt Factory ESTABLISHED IS87. A. M. MELLIS, Proprietor, 513 Fort St., (Upstairs\ Hoi''!nlu, Good Fit. . VidT0i$ l(iding p&viliaq I Hotel aiu\ Bethel St« Will Re-0pen Ta-niffht i Jy 19 1. A: VICTOR, Prop r. Gust. A. Mauer, HA WAIIAN HOĪKL BARBER Ladies Shampooin*j a specialty. Honolulu. aug4. llaiioool Ii'on Wor^ Qceex Street. Betw een Alakea k Eiehanl Sta. THE UXDERSIGSED »-« prvpared to make all kmd4 oI Iroo Bns«. Bronxe. Zinc. Tin aod C«stinga Aiao i Geoeral Bepair Sbop for Stoam Engunw, Bke Mills Coro Milla, Water \YluJ MiUa, ele. ‘ Maehin m fc.r the t4caning oi Coffee, C«stor Oila, Beaos, Kamie, Sū«L Pinaappk Leam i otber P;broa* Aod Papez 3uxk M-.i i- hm ior Extnctug Starok lrom tbe Manioe, Arrov Eoot, eie. f3T All Orden promptly att»oJed to. WHITE, RITMAN CO. V