Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 August 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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All of the cburches had large congregations, at evening services, yeaterday. Mr. Geo. Smithies is now the book-keeper of the well-known firm of Fernandes & Gomes. The unpaid c.ises are oe cupviug tlie attention of Judge Robertson this afternoon. Charles Creighton appears for the defense. Mollister & Co. present notes to the public of “pure” water in tlieir woll-known aerated produc1 tions. - Tbe Editor of the Holomha will have to appear before a jury toraorrow and test the raemory of a wonld-be libellad peraon. Tbe storv is ahouk a year old. One of these peculiarandimpoliiie raids, by tbe aid of hired spirs as means of evidenoa, was made yesterday on road housea at whieh the thirsty tourist generally obtains relief. Jt is believed that the warrants are illegal. | i The sraoker who omits to examine the stock offered byMesara Hollister & Co., at their new 4 tan(t, corner of Merchant and Fort Streets, hes no idea of the assortraent or prices of their smokers’ goo,ds.

It is reported tbat the Portuguese military company intend to disband. Tbe unifonns and accontrements will be returned but not the arms, the new baby politic having no elaini thereon. Manager Freiman presented an excellent and mueh appreoiated menu at tbo dinner given at the Hotel. The hostelry is receiving well-deserved patronage from the travelling coramunity by reason of the increase eieelleuee in the cuisine.