Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 August 1894 — A PIGHT TO A PINISH. [ARTICLE]
At aboat the «ume bour tbat tho flrst “soaQdsof reTelry” were beard witbin the prociuts of tbe Hoiel grounds. tberc were other &ounds wiihio a balf a Ieagae wbicb indicatod that a contest was taking plaee between two stroog, well-traiQed gladiators of tbe fistic arena aud wbo, io ihe presenoe of aboat a eouple of bnndred spectators, were battling, with natare’s weapons enclosed in 4oz. gloves, to a finish. Tbe
vere agaia dispnting snprew«c» aud tbe roar of the nobie beast was hosbed in 15 seconds, the ehampion of the bird of (re«dom (?) winning rictory and aome ehekele in that time and in a hanl fooght contest with a twenty-poands lighter adversary5icLTrM rs paeto. Besides the at»OTe. there was a raid by several o( the juene*se doree npon a loeal maiāon de joie; an egg-throwing contest between two loeal sports; two runaways. in one of whieh a lady resident was thrown (rom a carriage and injared; a robbery of a hen-roost on Nnaanu street, near the first bridge and afist-figbt of short doration between two barkeepers.