Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 August 1894 — THE JUBILEE CONCERT. [ARTICLE]
The complimentary conoert to Professor Berger tendered by the Manuerchoer club and the band of Fi«gship PhilaUelphia took plaee as advertised, at the Hotel grounds at 7;30o’clocfc on Saturday evening. The grounds presentcd a fairy-like appearance by the geuerous d'splay made of Chinesu lanterns and nnmerous electric lighta. Quitela large crowd of people were at ihe openiog of the concert, but tnany wentawaydisappointeiiat the noa-appearance of tl;e Quintette eluh. Yhe oeeaaion was a most pieasant ooe ami oodoubtedly caused the heart of “Papa’’ I>erger to paipitate with pride.