Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Just ns the Hotel grounds wore receiving the last few of the eonple of thousand people, who eame to visit the Jubilee concert, tho sharp tones of the 5re-beli , were beard indicating the presence of the dread d»-mon in Ward 5. The ongines, as usual, j responded qnickU’, and the causo of the alann wa* found to be j rrora a blaze in a cottage situated on Youug street. near Thoraas Square, owned by Mr. Alvez. Neighbors and those arriving first at the fire gave assistance whieh held back the fnll pla\’ of the flaraes long enough to permit the “fire laddies” to to work, and ihen the fire-fiend’s destructive eflbrts were soon ended, incurring, however, a loss pf about $600: insarauce $1,000.