Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 ʻAukake 1894 — A DAY’S DOINCS [ARTICLE]
Some Startltng and Interesting Events. Tbe first of tbe series of evenU» berewitb cbronicled as bappening in tbU mid-Pacific capital was A MrBDER0f' 5 ASSAn-T. committed by one Artbur Featberstone npon bis wife with a sheatbkoife *nd whieh attempt barely fai!ed of ending the earthly career of tbe woman. The circamstances as detailed show tbat the eouple had been living for some time back at tbe King Street Hoase, tLe woman working at her trade as dres3maker. the man fiuding congonial occapation as a poliee spy. For some montbs back Featherstone found bis occapation gone and is reported to have condacted himself in sncb a manner that, between drink and anfaitbfnlnes3, his wife fonnd it necessan- to refa»e to longer counteuanco his presence or contribute to bis sapport. On Saturday nfternoon about 4 o’eloek Fe;itberstone visitod bis wife at her room and was notic ed to be nnder tbe iuAaenee of liquor. A wordy dispute ensaed between the two whieh was broii2bt to a close bv the man drawing tbe deadly weapon and attempting to stab tbe woman. Witb bnt her bands to aid ber the woman warded off two of the deadly attempts receiving tbe blade in the left forearrn above tbo wrist nnd having the rigbt band cut deeply in two places, Her screama for help aided to ,frighten the coward from further attnck and allowing ber opportunitv to run from tbe room wbere help presented itself quickly in tbo form of a wiry einployee of tbe Honolulu Iron Works who m:ide Featherstone drop tbe kuife nnd then turned him over t) tbe custod} T of special constable Hawkina. who wng at band, and wlio took tbe knife wielder to the preseuce of bis formor employer iu tbe Poliee Station. Dr. McGrew was called and attend.9d to the wouuūs oi tbe woman, and sbe is reported to be now rest;ng easily, with hopes of an entiro recovery from tbe eftects of tbe , wound at no distant date,